Fine Books and Manuscripts, Including Selections from the Collection of Barbara and Ira Lipman
Online Auction: 4–16 December 2020 • 2:00 PM EST • New York

Fine Books and Manuscripts, Including Selections from the Collection of Barbara and Ira Lipman 4–16 December 2020 • 2:00 PM EST • New York
Selections from the Collection of Barbara and Ira Lipman MORE ON THE COLLECTION

Collection Highlights

Sports Memorabilia

Ruth, George Herman ("Babe") | An unsurpassed example of the Sultan of Babe Ruth cards
T he year 1933 was a landmark for the Goudey Gum Co., the first in which they inserted baseball cards with their product. The popularity of the card series was such that it made Goudey the number one distributor of gum in the world. Of the four different cards of Babe Ruth offered within the set, this full body pose is the most visually impressive; PSA describes it as "arguably his most important" card. Only three other examples of the 1933 Goudy #144 Babe Ruth have earned an equal grade, and none have been graded higher.

High Spots and Home Runs: Selections from the Collection of Barbara and Ira Lipman

American Literature

Additional Auction Highlights

Maps & Atlases


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