Old Master Minute

Bavarian State Painting Collections publishes Nazi-era Provenance for 1,200 Works

By Sotheby's

The Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlungen (Bavarian State Painting Collections)

Picture: pinakothek.de

The Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlungen (Bavarian State Painting Collections) have published the full list of provenance relating to objects acquired by the Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlungen during the Nazi era. The project, which was initiated first in 1999 when the museum appointed a provenance researcher, has surveyed a vast wealth of relevant literature, purchase records, picture files, databases and documents from the Central Collecting Point, as well as the reverse side of pictures. The full list, currently consisting 1,200 works, can be found by clicking here.

The Sotheby's Restitution department was established in 1997 and carries out expertise for private clients as well as national institutions. Click on the link to read more.

Old Master Minute