C losing on December 2, Part 2 of the Goldman Collection will be an unreserved online sale dedicated to historically important, but more modestly valued, material. This sale will feature a special concentration of state constitutions, and between Parts I and 2, the Goldman Collection will offer at least one constitution from every state, Delaware to Alaska (or Alabama to Wyoming, if you prefer).
The Values and Vision of the Dorothy Tapper Goldman Foundation
The Dorothy Tapper Goldman Foundation will advance the principles of America’s founding documents through educational programs for students across all media so that our young Americans can be better informed about the founding of our republic and the citizens who created the founding documents. A greater understanding of our American principles and ideas will lead to more informed citizens and voters.
It is the hope of this Foundation to further the understanding of why the acts of all citizens can make a difference. This can be accomplished through art projects, cultural institutions, educational institutions and worthy individuals. By providing strategic grants this Foundation hopes to further the understanding of our Constitutional principles.
Dorothy Tapper Goldman Foundation
A Better America: Civics, Citizens, Country