Asia Week | Spring 2021 | 亞洲藝術週

11-24 March • New York | 3月11-24日 • 紐約

S otheby's New York is delighted to offer a diverse array of Asian art spanning 4,000 years of history. Leading the Sotheby’s Asia Week sale series in March is a remarkable selection of Imperial jades and cloisonné enamels produced during the Ming and Qing dynasties in the Imperial Cloisonné & Jade: Chinese Art from The Brooklyn Museum sale, sold to support museum collections. This distinguished group of works includes an Imperial Qianlong period white and russet jade brushpot from the Woodward Collection and a group of cloisonné enamels from the world-renowned Samuel P. Avery, Jr. Collection, led by an exceptionally rare ‘bats and clouds’ cloisonné enamel vase. The Important Chinese Art auction highlights include two early Ming dynasty blue and white masterworks, a superb and important parcel-gilt silver ‘lotus and pomegranate’ bowl from the collection of Stephen Junkunc III, an important documentary archaic bronze Gui from the late Shang dynasty, early ceramics and Qing imperial works of art including a gilt-bronze temple bell dated to the 54th year of the Kangxi reign.

The sale of Modern and Contemporary South Asian Art is led by two paintings, Vasudeo S. Gaitonde’s Untitled (1962) and Jehangir Sabavala’s Lone Vigil (1989), both of which have been in their respective private collections for more than three decades. The auction features property from other significant private collections, including the Patwant Singh and Romen & Rasil Basu Family Collection and that of renowned art critic George Butcher. The sale week will conclude with the online sale of Hundred Antiques: Fine and Decorative Asian Art, presenting over 190 Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Indian and Himalayan works of art and paintings.

Concurrently, Sotheby’s is honored to present Reflection and Enlightenment: An Exhibition of Chinese Buddhist Gilt-Bronzes from the Jane and Leopold Swergold Collection, a special exhibition featuring twenty-five early Chinese Buddhist gilt-bronzes. Formed by a couple who advanced the understanding of this esoteric field in the West, each of the twenty-five bronze sculptures in the collection are unique works of art in themselves, endowed with the dynamic elasticity of movement emanating from the sensitivity of the Indian tradition. As a group, they also encapsulate the development, sinicization and maturity of Chinese sculptural art.

Auctions & Exhibition | 拍賣及展覽日程

約蘇富比欣然呈獻珍稀亞洲藝術珍品,涵蓋中華四千年歷史。領銜今年三月份亞洲藝術週的,是來自布魯克林博物館、為支持該館收藏而上拍的明清御製玉器及掐絲琺瑯,其中包括一件Woodward收藏清乾隆白玉雕進寶圖筆筒,以及出自Samuel P. Avery, Jr.顯赫收藏的多件掐絲琺瑯器,當中又以一件清乾隆銅胎掐絲琺瑯雲蝠紋雙耳瓶最為矚目。「中國藝術珍品」 拍賣會則以兩件早明青花珍瓷領銜,此外尚有出自史蒂芬·瓊肯三世收藏之唐銀局部鎏金石榴蓮花紋花式大盌、記載一件商代重要事蹟的商末文父丁簋、多件高古佳瓷及清代御瓷、以及一件清康熙五十四年銅鎏金蒲牢鈕八卦紋編鐘。

現當代南亞藝術拍賣以瓦蘇多·蓋頓作品《無題》(1962)及傑漢吉爾·薩瓦瓦拉《獨守之夜》(1989年)為焦點, 兩幅作品分別由私人藏家珍藏逾三十年。此外,拍賣會並呈獻出自其他重要私人收藏的傑作,包括戈賓德·辛格及羅曼與拉西爾·巴蘇家族及著名藝評家喬治·布徹。亞洲藝術週壓軸登場的是網上拍賣「博古:亞洲藝術珍品」,呈獻超過190件中國、日本、韓國、印度及喜馬拉雅藝術品及畫作。

此期間,蘇富比並榮幸呈獻「慈懷澄觀:思沃格珍藏早期佛教銅像」特別展覽,展出25尊早期中國鎏金銅佛像。 思沃格伉儷讓西方對佛教藝術的認識增進良多,這次參展的每一尊銅像均屬獨一無二的藝術珍品,栩栩如生,印度傳統的細緻入微深蘊其中,成組欣賞,更可見中國雕塑藝術的發展、漢化與成熟過程。

Highlights from Important Chinese Art


Highlights from Imperial Cloisonné & Jade: Chinese Art from The Brooklyn Museum

溢彩流光:宮廷掐絲琺琅及玉器 布魯克林博物館藏中國藝術品精選

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Asia Week New York

Sotheby’s is a proud partner of Asia Week New York, a collaboration of top-tier Asian art specialists, major auction houses, and world-renowned museums and Asian cultural institutions in the metropolitan New York area.

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