Mapping Modernities charts the trajectories of artists who both physically and artistically traversed the globe throughout the 20th century. Indeed, a map does not just chart, or guide one’s journeys - it unlocks and formulates meaning, forming bridges between disparate ideas that we did not know were previous connected.
This curated auction showcases how artists migrated from East to West and vice versa; how traditions from the Orient informed and transformed avant-garde ideas in Europe and North America, and likewise how artists from throughout Asia redefined modernity in light of external influences. Such journeys are rarely linear or simple, Sotheby’s Mapping Modernities curates works that delves into the complexities and wonders of such explorations.

Following Sotheby’s historical sale of Mai Trung Thu’s Portrait de Mademoiselle Phuong which set a new record for any Vietnamese artwork at auction, the Modern Art, Asia team is proud to present Memory and Modernity: Mai Trung Thu Paintings from an Important Private European Collection, an extraordinary ensemble of four paintings by the artist from his early days in the 1930s to the dusk of his life in the 1970s. Emerging from an Important European private collection, they bear witness to the exquisite taste of their owner, a friend of the master’s family. The four paintings were acquired in the 1990s directly from the family of Mai Trung Thu, giving the artworks an even more meaningful dimension.
繼枚中栨(梅忠恕)名畫《芳小姐的肖像》刷新越南藝術品的拍賣紀錄後,蘇富比現代藝術部在本次拍賣誠獻一組重要歐洲私人收藏的枚氏精品。此組作品以「撫今追昔」為主題,創作時期橫跨1930 年代至 1970 年代,涵蓋藝術家近半世紀的創作人生。此組作品的藏家與枚氏家族交好, 90年代直接向枚氏家族購得此四幅畫作,可見其品味之清雅高致。
Magnificent Work by Zao Wou-Ki
Leading the abstract section is a magnificent work by Zao Wou-Ki, 25.09.60 hailing from a golden era that witnessed the launch of the Hurricane Period, Zao's most significant period of maturity and originality. Conveying an abstract scene of otherworldly charm, this masterpiece exemplifies Zao Wou-Ki’s experimental fusion of Western oil painting and Eastern aesthetic doctrine.

Zao Wou-Ki 趙無極
oil on canvas, 1960
Estimate: 35,000,000 - 45,000,000 HKD

The auction will feature the works of abstract masters, including Chabris by Georges Matheiu, an early canvas work that structures with a modern architectural aesthetic, Sol y tractor II by Fernando Zobel, a painting showcases the artist’s enhanced understanding of color and his highly systematic abstract vernacular, and Untitled by Jose Joya, a rare composition embraces the core principles of American Expressionism through the medium of ceramic.