People get something from living with a painting. I love living with paintings.
S otheby’s is honored to present Dear Keith: Works from the Personal Collection of Keith Haring, a dedicated online auction open for bidding through 1 October 2020. Dear Keith presents 140+ works of art and objects from Haring's personal collection, all on offer from the Keith Haring Foundation – an organization established by the artist shortly before his death in 1990 from HIV/AIDS-related causes. Haring’s collection features works gifted to, purchased by and traded with Haring among friends and artists in his community, including Andy Warhol, Jean-Michel Basquiat, Kenny Scharf, and many more. All of the works are appearing at auction for the first time, together revealing never-before-told stories about Haring’s community and bringing to life the celebrated art scene of 1970s and 80s New York – from the School of Visual Arts (SVA) and Club 57 to street art and beyond.

In keeping with the Keith Haring Foundation’s mission to sustain and expand the artist’s legacy of philanthropy, full proceeds from the auction will benefit The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender Community Center of New York (also known as The Center) – an organization that empowers the queer community of New York to lead healthy, successful lives; celebrates the community’s diversity and advocates for justice and opportunity.

Visit the Exhibition
The exhibition will be on view in Sotheby’s York Avenue galleries from 26 – 30 September. Please contact us directly with any viewing requests. Following the guidelines for the Phase Four reopening of Manhattan, we are able to accommodate clients in our building by appointment only. To schedule an appointment, please contact appointmentsNY@sothebys.com or +1 212 606 7171.

During his 10+ years living and working in downtown Manhattan, Haring was engaged in the queer / downtown art and activism scene. He executed one of his final large-scale murals, Once Upon a Time, in the second-floor men’s bathroom at The Center in May 1989 for The Center Show – a celebration of the 20th anniversary of the Stonewall Riots that featured works by LGBTQ artists commissioned by The Center. That mural stands to this day. Haring was devoted to all of his communities, from his family and friends to collaborators both in art and activism, and the Foundation is pleased to celebrate the enduring connection he had with The Center through this gift.

Watch Keith Haring’s Interior Designer, Sam Havadtoy, Describe the Vision for Keith’s Apartment