otheby’s Hong Kong Modern Evening Auction presents the multifaceted, creative spirit of Asian, European, modern and post-war art. We are delighted to offer works from the distinguished collection of Sir Run Run Shaw, led by a breath-taking masterpiece by Chen Yi Fei alongside works by Cheong Soo Pieng and Adrien-Jean Le Mayeur. Auguste Rodin’s bronze of embracing lovers serves as a romantic complement to this season’s bevy of beauties, including Dora Maar immortalised in sublime portrait by Pablo Picasso, and featuring the muses who have inspired modern masters Pierre-Auguste Renoir, Mai Trung Thu, Le Pho, Hendra Gunawan. They will be joined by a monumental diptych of Chu Teh-Chun, plus works by Asian masters of abstract Zao Wou-Ki, Lalan, Hsiao Chin, Chen Wen His, and Ahmad Sadali, with remarkable highlights by Georges Mathieu and Fernando Zóbel. A landscape by Wu Guanzhong showcases his painterly bravura as he shifts between Impressionism, Modernism, and the Eastern painting and calligraphy tradition, a reinvention of the genre and a masterpiece that rounds out what looks to be the strongest ensemble of this season.
香港蘇富比現代藝術晚間拍賣展現歐亞兩地現代及戰後藝術的多元創意精神,其中包括邵逸夫爵士的珍藏,焦點為一幅陳逸飛的傳世傑作,以及鍾泗濱、勒邁耶等名家佳作。奧古斯特·羅丹刻劃戀人深情擁抱的銅像,與拍賣呈獻的多幅美女畫共同營造浪漫氣氛,包括畢加索的多拉・瑪爾肖像經典,以及多位現代大師如皮耶・奧古斯特・雷諾瓦、枚中栨 (梅忠恕)、黎譜及亨德拉·古拿溫的缪斯女神。此外,拍賣並呈獻朱德群的巨幅雙聯畫與亞洲抽象大師趙無極、謝景蘭、蕭勤、陳文希和阿曼德·薩達利的名作。壓軸焦點則為喬治・馬修和費南度·索培爾的精彩作品。同場更有吳冠中的風景佳構,糅合印象主義、現代藝術及中國書畫於一體,融舊革新,為本季最矚目之藝術交響樂章。
Take a Virtual Tour of the Exhibition 線上虛擬展覽

Through the eyes of modern art masters, we look upon the muses who have been the source of their artistic inspiration. The women of Picasso’s life were the fulcrum of his genius, essential to his creative and intellectual processes. He painted Dora Maar when his new love Dora Maar had become a dominant presence, a love affair that was passionate and tumultuous.

Pablo Picasso 巴布羅·畢加索
Dora Maar《多拉·瑪爾》
Estimate Upon Request
Love in a Time of War: Picasso’s Masterpiece Dora Maar
This selection of paintings celebrates different muses of modern art – some alluring and seductive, some elegant and mysterious, each enduring icons of beauty. In Éternel Printemps, lovers locked in a maelstrom of passion, Rodin used for figure of the woman the highly sensual Torse d'Adèle, which was named after the model who posed for the sculptor. Renoir's voluptuous nude represents his ideal of soft, full figured feminity. Mai Trung Thu finds tranquility and sweet expression in the model of Lady at Balcony (La Fiancée), while Cheong Soo Pieng’s Bali Girl, Le Pho’s Jeune fille au chat blanc, Hendra Gunawan’s Jackfruit Seller all express a sense of a serene stillness.
這批畫作展示了現代藝術當中多位繆斯女神的不同面貌,當中有性感誘人的、也有典雅妍麗,以至神秘莫測的不同形象。羅丹的《永恆之春》刻劃戀人的熾熱,為此像擔任模特兒的阿黛爾也是羅丹名作《阿黛爾半身像》的主角。雷諾瓦的裸女畫像展現的他心目中柔美豐滿的女性形象。枚中栨 (梅忠恕)《陽台上的仕女(未婚妻)》氣韻靜謐甜美,而鍾泗濱的《峇里女子》、黎譜的《少女與白貓》以及及亨德拉·古拿溫的《賣菠蘿蜜》不約而同都帶有含蓄細膩的秀雅之氣。

Sotheby’s is thrilled to present works from the collection of visionary philanthropist Sir Run Run Shaw. The Shaw Foundation Hong Kong is dedicated to the global advancement of education, healthcare, scientific achievements and the arts. The highlight of the presented works in the collection is an important piece from Chen Yifei’s key body of work from the 1990s. Banquet showcases the artist's peerless oil painting technique, depicting five elegant musicians in Chen's distinctive blend of classic realist and romantic styles.
蘇富比榮幸呈獻高瞻遠矚的慈善家邵逸夫爵士的收藏。香港邵氏基金會致力推動教育、醫療保健、科學成就和藝術的全球發展。這次上拍的作品亮點是陳逸飛 1990 年代重要作品當中的力作 《夜宴》,展示了陳逸飛獨步藝壇的的油畫技法,以五美奏樂為題,表現陳室融合古典寫實與浪漫主義的人物肖像風格。

Chen Yifeng 陳逸飛
Estimate Upon Request
Music at the Banquet: A Chen Yifei Masterwork from the Shaw Collection
Another key part of the collection, Brother and Sister is an intriguing work that presents Cheong Soo Pieng’s iconic painting style of graphic outlines and muted palettes. These works will be joined by three paintings by Adrien-Jean Le Mayeur de Merprès that express his love of Bali and all its enchantments within.

A spectacular group of abstract masterpieces will be led by Vent debout, Chu Teh-Chun’s largest diptych painted before 1990, and a captivating work painting at the peak of his creative powers, reflecting the artist’s bold vision and energy as he conjures the essential interplay of mountains and rivers.

Chu Teh-Chun 朱德群
Vent debout《迎風》
Estimate: 20,000,000 - 30,000,000 HKD
"The artist absorbs what he sees in nature and refines it in his mind, and it is the power of the artist's imagination, his sensitivity and his inner character that are revealed on the canvas. This is where the concepts of Chinese painting and abstract painting come together in a very clear way." 「藝術家吸收了他在大自然所看見的,經過思考加以提煉,在畫布上流露出來的是藝術家的想像、感性和內在性格。在這裏,中國書畫和抽象畫的概念非常清晰地走在一起。」
This April auction also features exceptional abstract paintings by Georges Mathieu, Zao Wou-Ki, Fernando Zobel, Lalan, Hsiao Chin, Chen Wen His, and Ahmad Sadali.

Wu Guanzhong 吳冠中
Plum Blossoms《紅梅》
Estimate: 90,000,000 - 120,000,000 HKD