Masarat al-Hibr: Exceptional Qur’anic and Calligraphic Works from the Bashir Mohamed Family Collection
Exhibition: 12 August–30 August 2024 • London

M asarat al-Hibr (Pathways of Ink), an exhibition of 28 calligraphic works from the Bashir Mohamed Family collection, bears witness to the primacy of the written word as a mode of artistic expression in Islamic civilisation. The works explore the development of the Arabic script charting over a millennium of manuscript production with a remarkable range of calligraphic leaves produced in the Middle East, Turkey, India, Spain, and China. Important Qur’an leaves in Kufic showcase the earliest iterations of the script, while further religious and secular leaves trace the distinct styles developed in other regions, whose outstanding calligraphy is complemented by intricate illumination. Impressive works by contemporary artists conclude the exhibition demonstrating how the calligraphic tradition continues to evolve today.

34-35 New Bond Street, London

Monday–Friday | 9:00 AM–4:30 PM


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