Cassie Spencer

  • Senior Vice President, Fiduciary Client Group


Cassie Spencer joined Sotheby’s in 1996 and is currently the Director of Sotheby’s Midwest Trusts & Estates Department based in Chicago, where she assists professional fiduciaries with the valuation and disposition of tangible personal property assets.

Ms Spencer has been involved with the supervision of numerous valuations conducted for sale, estate tax, charitable donation, insurance and family division purposes. She has been involved with the sale of property from many collections including works belonging to the Sarah Wood Armour Trust, Edwin and Novella Lineberry and the Estate of Odette Valabregue Wurzburger. She has also been involved with the sale of Thomas Hart Benton’s Little Brown Jug which set a record for a work by Thomas Hart Benton sold at auction.

Prior to joining Sotheby’s Ms. Spencer practiced law in Chicago. She is a graduate of The University of Michigan and Loyola University of Chicago School of Law. Ms. Spencer lectures frequently about collectibles and evaluation related topics addressing private groups, estate planning councils, and museum support groups.

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