S otheby’s Hong Kong is pleased to announce its first live auction of Important Watches in 2021, featuring an exhilarating selection of both popular modern and vintage timepieces of rare and iconic designs. The highlight of the event will be a highly coveted and important platinum, Rolex Zenith Daytona with a unique Tiffany-blue lacquer Stella dial. To the best of our knowledge, only a handful of automatic platinum Zenith Daytona with unique dials were made, and over the years only two examples have ever been extended into the secondary market.
The curation will consist of highlights from vintage chronographs including a classic Patek Philippe reference 1518 and examples of early mechanical Rolex Daytona, popular contemporary sport models from the Nautilus and the Royal Oak collection and most significantly, an artisanal rare handcrafts from Patek Philippe featuring a double sided enamel miniature hunting case watch.
The rare offering at the upcoming April sale will certainly make for another thrilling auction, and this extraordinary timepiece will also be accompanied by a broad selection of collectible watches that are appealing both to all collectors.
香港蘇富比將於四月舉行今年首場「珍貴名錶」現場拍賣會,呈獻多款在市場上難得一見的經典現代及中古名錶。全場焦點拍品是一枚配備獨特Tiffany藍色漆面Stella錶盤的鉑金勞力士Zenith Daytona 。根據我們目前所知,配備獨特錶盤的鉑金勞力士Zenith Daytona產量屈指可數,過去多年來二手市場上僅出現過兩例。
今次拍賣呈獻不少經典計時腕錶,精品包括百達翡麗1518型號、早期勞力士Daytona機械錶,亦有備受錶迷喜愛的當代運動風格腕錶,例如百達翡麗Nautilus及Royal Oak系列。今季我們更呈獻一枚極為罕有的百達翡麗手工錶——雙面畫琺瑯迷你懷錶,別緻的款式盡顯品牌悠久而精湛的製錶工藝。
Sale Highlights

Sotheby’s Hong Kong presents a revolutionary timepiece from the SPYMASTER series, the first watch series accompanied by NFT - unique cryptographic tokens which provide an immutable record of the provenance of each watch on the blockchain. The New York-based espionage museum SPYSCAPE and horological pioneers Ressence collaborated to create the SPYMASTER series, a limited edition of 21 titanium timepieces handmade in Switzerland. Watch number 008# will be offered in the auction to help grant life-changing wishes for children with critical illnesses, through the Make-A-Wish® UK.
香港蘇富比破格呈獻一枚出自SPYMASTER系列的獨特時計。SPYMASTER是首個附NFT認證的腕錶系列。NFT即non-fungible token,意為非同質化代幣,透過區塊鏈技術為每枚腕錶提供無法竄改的真偽及來源認證。SPYMASTER系列由總部位於紐約的SPYSCAPE間諜博物館與創意鐘錶品牌Ressence聯袂推出,限量發行21枚鈦金屬時計,全部在瑞士以人手製作而成。當中編號008#的腕錶將於本季登上蘇富比拍場,拍賣收益將惠及慈善機構Make-A-Wish® UK,幫助身患重病的兒童達成願望。

The popularity of automatic Daytona has increased dramatically in the last couple of years. New variations in their production are still being identified but it is safe to say that the automatic Daytona are being as collectible as their manual predecessors. The first automatic Daytona was introduced in the market in 1988 in the Basal Fair. This new model automatically changed the concept of the sports chronograph. The movement came from the Zenith El Primero and was in production until the year 2000 when Rolex manufactured their own in-house movement. The following pages represent a nice variety of automatic Daytonas and Sotheby’s is thrilled to present this collection to the market.

自動上弦 Daytona 的熱度於近年急速上升,收藏程度開始與手動上弦的 Daytona 看齊,至今仍能在市場發現別具一格的獨特設置。首枚自動上弦 Daytona 於 1988 年 Basal Fair 初現市場,改寫了運動計時腕錶的歷史。勞力士一開始採用了真力士的 El Primero 機芯,後來在 2000 年改為的自家自動上弦機芯。以下數枚拍品皆為自動上弦 Daytona, 蘇富比很高興呈拍這數枚別出心裁的珍藏。

Important Pocket Watches | 重要珍罕懷錶