A Pristine Modern Cellar
Live Auction: 2 October 2022 • 10:00 AM HKT • Hong Kong | 拍賣: 2022年10月2日 • 上午 10:00 HKT • 香港

A Pristine Modern Cellar 2 October 2022 • 10:00 AM HKT • Hong Kong

S otheby’s Wines Hong Kong is delighted to kick start Autumn sales 2022 with A Pristine Modern Cellar, consisting of 872 lots and estimated in excess of HK$52 million. Burgundy is the star of this collection comprising of 603 lots, of which 51 lots are from Comte Georges de Vogüé, 88 lots of Armand Rousseau, 26 lots of Domaine du Comte Liger-Belair, 39 lots from Domaine Leroy, and 166 lots from Domaine de la Romanée-Conti. This cellar is amassed over 2 decades, the result of years and years of meticulous and religious buying and sourcing only from local official distributors.

 The collectors are avid wine lovers with a passion of the great outdoors. They recall the accessibility of purchasing and tasting case quantities of La Tâche back in 2000s and smile as they refer to “The good old times”. We cannot thank the collectors enough for their generosity to share their long-treasured bottles to wine lovers in the world. Alongside the most sought after Burgundies, do not overlook the classic offerings of Bordeaux First Growths, Petrus, and Lafleur, and other top wines from Masseto and Gaja.

蘇富比2022年香港秋季拍賣誠獻「現代佳釀選粹窖藏」,共呈872項洋酒拍品,總估值逾5,200萬港元。其中布艮地佳釀佔603項之多,包括51項 Comte Georges de Vogüé、88項 Armand Rousseau、26項 Domaine du Comte Liger-Belair、39項 Domaine Leroy 以及166項 DRC。本窖藏歷經二十載廣集而得,藏家堅持只從地區官方經銷商購入洋酒,年復一年,鍥而不捨。

藏家喜愛葡萄美酒,同時也熱衷戶外運動。當他提到在千禧年代成箱入手 La Tâche 的做法時,甚至忍不住微笑著感歎當年的美好時光。這些長久以來被珍而重之的佳釀,如今終於被藏家慷慨釋出予全球熱愛洋酒的人士。除了最受歡迎的布艮地以外,波爾多一級酒莊柏翠堡Lafleur 以及來自 MassetoGaja 的頂級出品均不容錯失。


Foreword by Serena Sutcliffe, MW

Honorary Chairman Sotheby’s Wines

If ever there were a pristine collection of wines, this is it – Pristine Perfection. If wines could sing, this would be a heavenly chorus. Those who will drink these wines will certainly break into song, such is their beauty, rarity and sheer come-hither quality. These are some of the most life-enhancing liquids ever made by man, or woman, and they will spread joy. The consignor is parting with a proportion of what he has, albeit with a regretful look back as he remembers all the wines he has shared with friends over many years.


Foreword by Jamie Ritchie

Worldwide Chairman Head of Sotheby's Wine & Spirits

The Pristine Modern Cellar comes from an avid wine lover and his wife who both had an early understanding and appreciation for the greatest Burgundy Domaines, as well a curiosity of fine wines from all over the globe. Foremost, they are wine drinkers who have been buying and drinking a broad range of wines over the last two decades. His success as a businessman and investor enabled them to pursue their passion for wine, at a time when demand for these wines was less global. As a result, they were able to build up this substantial collection, while enjoying many great bottles.


Provenance + Shipping來源及付運

The Wines
The Pristine Collector built this cellar for over 2 decades, a vast majority of the wines were purchased on release from official local distributors in the Southern Hemisphere. Wines are stored professionally since purchase. The wines were tasted with the collector and have aged gracefully, the exceptional provenance shows the wines are in optimal condition.

Inspection and Shipping
An international team of specialist spent 2 weeks packing the wines and shipped them to Crown Wine Cellars in Hong Kong under dedicated temperature controlled conditions. Once in Hong Kong the bottles are inspected by the Hong Kong Team.



Burgundy Magnums
Sale Highlights精選拍品
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