Live Auction: 18 April 2021 • 6PM HKT • Hong Kong | 拍賣:2021年4月18日 • 下午6時 • 香港

ICONS: Masterpieces from across time and space 18 April 2021 • 6:00 PM HKT • Hong Kong

W hat does it mean to be an icon? In the vast sweep of art history, the masterpieces that move us are those that hold up a mirror to ourselves. “ICONS: Masterpieces from across time and space” brings together works in which the central figure is one that is instinct to the beholder. Such art presents, to borrow a phrase from Iris Murdoch, the “‘memory’ of what we did not know we knew.” In the presence of icons, the feeling overtakes us to step beyond our ordinary awareness and find inspiration through fresh eyes.


明代陶宗儀《輟耕錄》中敘畫一節將神品定義為: 「氣韻生動,出於天成,人莫窺其巧者,謂之神品。」



Alberto Giacometti 阿爾伯托・賈柯梅蒂Petit Buste sur Colonne《立柱上的半身小像》
Bronze 銅雕
151.7 x 21 x 22.4 cm
Estimate: 14,000,000 - 18,000,000 HKD
A magnificent and extremely rare large wood sculpture of AvalokiteshvaraSong dynasty
Estimate: 30,000,000 - 50,000,000 HKD
Zhang Daqian 張大千Self Portrait with a Tibetan Mastiff《自畫像與黑虎》
splashed ink and colour on gold paper, framed
潑墨潑彩金箋 鏡框
176 by 96 cm; 69 1/4 by 37 3/4 in.
Estimate: 48,000,000 - 60,000,000 HKD
Sanyu 常玉Nu avec un pékinois《裸女與北京狗》
oil on Masonite 油畫纖維板
84 by 122 cm; 33 by 48 in.
Estimate: 100,000,000 - 150,000,000 HKD
Pablo Picasso 巴布羅・畢加索Buste de matador 《鬥牛士》
oil on canvas 油畫畫布
130 by 97 cm; 51 ⅛ by 38 ⅛ in.
Estimate: 100,000,000 - 150,000,000 HKD

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