30. Fernand Léger

30. Fernand Léger

The artists who power the $1m+ market
The artists who power the $1m+ market

30. Fernand Léger (1881–1955)

MODERN, b. Argentan, France

Fernand Léger. Photo: age fotostock / Alamy Stock Photo

Power Rank: 89

Value and supply

Auction totals

Price confidencePrice momentumAverage lot Price
Percentage of lots sold above low estimateChange in average lot value 2022 to 2023 (H1)Average lot value over the period 2018–23

Sotheby’s private sales

(2018 to H1 2023)
Private sales valueSold lotsAverage price

Bidders by region

Bidders by age

Top 10 artworks sold at auction

(2018 to H1 2023)
1Le grand déjeuner1921Christie's New York15 May 2018$19.4m
2Nature Morte1914Sotheby's London28 Jul 2020$15.7m
3Les deux acrobates1918Christie's New York12 May 2022$14.1m
4Les trois femmes au bouquet1922Christie's New York15 May 2018$13m
5Composition1920Christie's London1 Mar 2022$8.3m
6Le Campeur, 1ère État1954Sotheby's New York14 May 2019$8.2m
7Le Campeur, étude1954Sotheby's New York17 May 2022$7.2m
8Le Blessé1917Sotheby's New York16 May 2023$6.3m
9Le Damier jaune1918Sotheby's New York14 May 2018$5.9m
10Étude pour les constructeurs1950Sotheby's London29 Jun 2021$4.9m

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