29. Edgar Degas

29. Edgar Degas

The artists who power the $1m+ market
The artists who power the $1m+ market

29. Edgar Degas (1834–1917)

IMPRESSIONIST, b. Paris, France

Edgar Degas. Photo: Bridgeman Images

Power Rank: 78

Value and supply

Auction totals

Price confidencePrice momentumAverage lot Price
Percentage of lots sold above low estimateChange in average lot value 2022 to 2023 (H1)Average lot value over the period 2018–23

Sotheby’s private sales

(2018 to H1 2023)
Private sales valueSold lotsAverage price

Bidders by region

Bidders by age

Top 10 artworks sold at auction

(2018 to H1 2023)
1Petite danseuse de quatorze ans1927Christie's New York12 May 2022$41.6m
2Dans les coulisses1885Christie's London27 Feb 2018$12.5m
3Danseuse1887Sotheby's New York12 May 2021$11.8m
4Danseuse attachant son chausson1887Christie's New York12 May 2022$9m
5Eugène Manet1874Sotheby's London7 Dec 2022$7.7m
6La Coiffure (La Toilette)1895Christie's New York11 Nov 2021$7m
7Danseuses (Les coulisses de l'Opéra)1886Christie's Paris31 Mar 2022$6.8m
8Femme prenant un tub1886Sotheby's New York12 Nov 2019$6.6m
9Danseuse rajustant son chausson1887Christie's New York17 Nov 2022$6.1m
10Quatre danseuses1903Christie's New York11 Nov 2018$5.9m

Previous: Marc Chagall Next: Fernand Léger

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