Important Chinese Art
Live Auction: 11 May 2022 • 10:30 AM BST • London | 拍賣:2022年5月11日 • 上午 10:30 BST • 倫敦

Important Chinese Art | 中國藝術珍品 11 May 2022 • 10:30 AM BST • London

S otheby’s Important Chinese Art auction on 11th May brings together a selection of notable Chinese ceramics, paintings and works of art across the disciplines of imperial porcelain, lacquer, jade, furniture, and Buddhist sculpture. Skillfully crafted and spanning China's long and rich history, they offer a glimpse into the technology and evolving tastes of both the imperial court of China and international markets.

Highlights include an exceptionally rare and large doucai ‘nine dragon’ vase of the Qianlong period from a Scottish Private collection, a rare huanghuali square table of the late Ming/early Qing dynasty, as well as a strong group of famille-verte porcelains headlined by a magnificent and large famille-verte ‘figural’ charger, formerly in the collection of The Honorable Mrs Nellie Ionides.

倫敦蘇富比將於 5 月 11 日舉行中國藝術珍品拍賣,匯集各式御瓷、漆器、玉器、書畫、家具和佛教造像等各門類,涵蓋中國悠久歷史,展示歷代宮廷及外銷藝術品之技術與品味。

拍賣焦點包括蘇格蘭私人珍藏一件清乾隆鬪彩海水雲蝠九龍紋雙耳瓶 ,明末/清初黃花梨有束腰螭龍紋方桌,以及曾屬Nellie Ionides 女士雅藏之清康熙五彩宴舞圖大盤及同組康熙彩瓷瓷,珍品琳琅,萬勿錯過。

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An exceptionally rare and large doucai 'nine dragon' vase, Seal mark and period of Qianlong | 清乾隆 鬪彩海水雲蝠九龍紋雙耳瓶 《大清乾隆年製》款

A rare huanghuali square table late Ming/early Qing dynasty | 明末/清初 黃花梨有束腰螭龍紋方桌
A magnificent and very rare large famille-verte 'figural' charger Qing dynasty, Kangxi period | 清康熙 五彩宴舞圖大盤

Other Highlights | 精選拍品

Famille-Verte Porcelain康熙彩瓷
Song Ceramics宋瓷選萃
Chinese Furniture 明清家具

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