Books and Manuscripts Week

14–18 December | New York
Sotheby’s is pleased to present Books and Manuscripts Week, consisting of three sales – History of Science and Technology, Fine Books & Manuscripts, and The Birds of America from Original Drawings by John James Audubon – with works ranging from Edgar Allan Poe’s The Raven to a large cave bear skeleton from the Cenozoic, Sotheby’s Books & Manuscripts week offers something for every collector.


Results from History of Science and Technology, Including Fossils, Minerals and Meteorites

Results for Fine Books and Manuscripts, Including the Olympic Manifesto

Exhibition Information

Exhibitions will be on view and open to the public at our New York galleries from:
14–17 December
Monday–Saturday | 10:00AM–5:00PM
Sunday | 1:00PM–5:00PM
For more information, please contact or +1 212 606 7000

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