Prints & Multiples
Online Auction: 8–14 September 2022 • 2:00 PM BST • London

Prints & Multiples 8–14 September 2022 • 2:00 PM BST • London

O pen for bidding from 8–14 September, Sotheby’s London’s Prints & Multiples auction features the work of prominent printmakers from the turn of the 20th century to the present day. The works on offer will represent the best of printmaking globally, including intaglio and relief prints by modern masters, as well as pop icons such as Andy Warhol’s Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom.

Auction Highlights

Jasper Johns, The Seasons

Andy Warhol's Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom

“For Andy Warhol, both genuine as well as fake queens slipped into the role of idealised movie-star femininity, devoting their lives to handing down a glittering and sparkling way of life and presenting it to the public for (not all too) close inspection. Warhol admired the fame and feminine allure of royal queens just as much as he admired the courageous nerve of drag queens.”
Henriette Dedichen, Warhol’s Queens, 2013


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