Henri Jayer | OWC | All From The Estate
Henri Jayer 原裝木箱珍藏佳釀
Online Auction: 9–23 June 2022 • 11:00 AM HKT • Hong Kong | 網上拍賣: 2022年6月9-23日 • 上午 11:00 HKT • 香港

Henri Jayer | OWC | All From The Estate 9–23 June 2022 • 11:00 AM HKT • Hong Kong

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“Pinot is so complex that every amateur can find something about it that he loves.” 「皮諾葡萄非常複雜,每位葡萄酒愛好者都能從中找到自己喜歡的元素。」
Henri Jayer, “A Tribute To The Great Wines Of Burgundy, Henri Jayer, Winemaker from Vosne-Romanee” by Jacky Rigaux- with translation by James K. Finkel.

Henri Jayer – The Man

Henri Jayer is the most legendary winemaker of our time. He was a perfectionist, whose curiosity, open mind and strict adherence to following what nature provided, led to his wines being so sought-after, revered and enjoyed all over the world. And, one can clearly see an outline of his character in the quotes provided below. For those who are lucky enough to taste them, these are mythical wines that are truly profound, in the most meaningful sense. Winemakers all over the world aspire to make wines that that are as ethereal as those of Henri Jayer, with the nuance, depth, complexity and lingering length. As years go by, fewer and fewer of these wines are available to taste and enjoy, particularly when they come with the pedigree of having been cellared at Domaine Henri Jayer until 2018.

Henri Jayer:酒界神話

Henri Jayer 可謂是本世代最傳奇的釀酒師。他是一位完美主義者,對新鮮事物充滿好奇,而且抱持開放態度,他同時擅長利用有限的大自然資源,釀製出深受全球洋酒愛好者推崇的葡萄瑰釀。如今大師已逝,但後世仍然可以透過他的片言隻語,窺見這位一代奇人特立獨行的個性。相信品嚐過Jayer出品的幸運兒都會同意,他主理的葡萄酒令人一試難忘。世界上所有釀酒師亦渴望與 Henri Jayer 一樣,釀出充滿層次、深度、複雜性和餘韻的脫俗佳釀。隨著時間過去,Henri Jayer 釀製的葡萄酒已所剩無幾,而直至2018年前都一直藏於 Henri Jayer 酒莊的佳釀更是矜貴難得。

“Nature has always been my guide.......The quality and lifespan of a good wine depend above all on raw materials. It is therefore necessary to produce a grape of quality , one that comes from a superior vine, grown without chemicals and properly cared for.” 「一直以來,大自然都是我的嚮導。」——「原材料是奠定上乘葡萄酒品質和壽命的因素,所以我們必須在不添加任何化學物的條件下,悉心打理優質的葡萄樹,從而培養出高品質的葡萄。」
Henri Jayer, “A Tribute To The Great Wines Of Burgundy, Henri Jayer, Winemaker from Vosne-Romanee” by Jacky Rigaux- with translation by James K. Finkel.


Every bottle and case in this sale was purchased in the Single Owner auction of wines that came directly from the Cellar of Domaine Henri Jayer, that was hosted by Baghera Wines in June 2018. The bottles had lain in Henri’s cellar and been listed in his cellar book by him, before being offered for sale by his two daughters. For the auction, the wines were moved from Henri’s cellar to Geneva FreePort, then were shipped by the buyer to a perfect professional temperature-controlled storage facility in Europe. For this sale, the wines were transported through a dedicated air shipment directly to Crown Wine Cellars in Hong Kong in May 2022.

Before being released form Henri’s cellar in February 2018, new capsules, labels and vintage slips were applied to the bottles by Emmanuel Rouget and Henri’s daughters, so the bottles have exceptional appearance, in addition to the perfect condition from having lain undisturbed in the cellar. Each bottle comes with a Prooftag™ applied by the auction house and were packed in original wooden cases marked Domain Henri Jayer.


這批葡萄酒在2018年2月離開 Henri Jayer 的酒窖前,Emmanuel Rouget 和 Henri Jayer 的女兒為之換上全新酒帽、酒標和年份標籤,讓這些在酒窖中長年未被打擾的佳釀煥然一新。每瓶葡萄酒均附有由拍賣行印上的 Prooftag™ 驗證標籤,並以印有 Domain Henri Jayer 字樣的原裝木箱包裝。

本次上拍的葡萄酒全數購自2018年6月由 Baghera Wines 拍賣行舉辦的單一藏家專場,當時所有葡萄酒均來自 Henri Jayer 酒莊直遞。這些珍貴佳釀一直被儲存在 Henri Jayer 的酒窖內,它們經Jayer親手錄入窖藏清單,及後才由兩位女兒出售。該次拍賣的葡萄酒從 Henri Jayer 的酒窖運送至日內瓦自由港倉庫(Geneva FreePort)後,再由買家運送至位於歐洲的專業恆溫儲存設施。本次上拍的葡萄酒則在2022年5月經空運直接運送至香港皇冠酒窖。

“It is imperative that the winegrower have a personal touch.......The wine grower is there to create wines that delight us.” 「每位釀酒師都必須展現出自己的個人風格。」—— 「釀酒師的存在,就是要製作出沁人心脾的佳釀。 」
Henri Jayer, “A Tribute To The Great Wines Of Burgundy, Henri Jayer, Winemaker from Vosne-Romanee” by Jacky Rigaux- with translation by James K. Finkel.


Quotes from Henri Jayer

The following quotes are taken from “A Tribute To The Great Wines Of Burgundy, Henri Jayer, Winemaker from Vosne-Romanee” by Jacky Rigaux- with translation by James K. Finkel. Reproduced with kind permission of James K. Finkel. This is a seminal work that truly captures the essence of Henri Jayer’s philosophy and approach to winemaking. For anyone who aspires to enjoy drinking the great wines of the world, this book is well worth reading.

Henri Jayer 語錄

以下的 Henri Jayer 語錄出自《布艮地佳釀頌,沃恩羅曼尼的釀酒師 Henri Jayer》(A Tribute To The Great Wines Of Burgundy, Henri Jayer, Winemaker from Vosne-Romanee)一書,該書由傑克・里戈(Jacky Rigaux)撰寫,詹姆斯・K・芬克爾(James K. Finkel)翻譯。是次轉載已獲詹姆斯・K・芬克爾授權。該書記載了 Henri Jayer 的釀酒方式與哲學,對想要品味世上各種美酒的人而言,本書絕對值得一看。

“ When we taste a wine, we taste to see whether it has good typicity, and if it illustrates the general characteristics of its terroir……….. the quality of a wine should never must never overshadow its typicity.” 「我們品酒時,會特別留意這瓶酒能否反映出葡萄品種及產地的特色......葡萄酒的品質不應喧賓奪主地蓋過它與葡萄品種及產地的關聯。」
Henri Jayer

Vosne Romanée, Cros Parantoux
"This tiny Premier Cru vineyard, located right above the “Richebourg” and next to the northern part of “Veroilles” or “Richebourg”, used to be classified as a “ Premier Cuvee”, as “les Brulees” and “Les Beaumonts”. This is proof of this terroir’s excellence. It is a bleak piece of land; to replant a missing vine, you need explosives to dig the hole……..it had been abandoned after the phylloxera infestation. During WWII, a cart maker truned it into a field of Jerusalem artichokes. I bought three-quarters of that climat – 0.72 hectares – and cleared it. Nested at the entrance of a small valley, this plot is exceptional. It is well sheltered, a little less exposed to the sun than “Le Richebourg”, but pinot does not require a lot of sun. While the potential alcohol content is lower, the pH is always more interesting.” 「這一小片位於 Richebourg 之上、Les Véroilles ou Richebourg 北端旁邊的一級葡萄園(Premier Cru)曾被評定為『一級園』(Premier Cuvee),與 Les Brulees 及 Les Beaumonts 並駕齊驅,足證這個區域人傑地靈。它是一小片荒涼的土地,要重新栽種葡萄樹,就必須用炸藥在土地上挖洞...... 這片土地曾因根瘤蚜蟲侵染而遭到廢棄。二戰期間,一名手推車工匠曾在這裡栽種菊芋。我購入了這片園地的四分之三,面積只有0.72公頃,並將它清理好。這片無與倫比的園地坐落於一個小山谷的入口,地處陰涼,比 Richebourg 接收到更少日照,但這不成問題,因為種植皮諾葡萄本來就不需要太多陽光。這裡出產的葡萄酒酒精含量較低,但酸鹼度卻非常耐人尋味。」
Henri Jayer

“Clearly, it is the duty of the wine grower to solve the puzzle of Burgundy’s always changing climate…..If he succeeds…….wine can be made in the most natural way possible….” 「釀酒師的責任明顯是要了解布艮地謎一般變幻莫測的氣候......如果他成功了......就能以最天然的方式釀製葡萄酒。」
Henri Jayer

Other Henri Jayer Highlights
“the vine suffers quite a lot in Richebourg. Because there isn’t much earth cover, the vine must dig deeper for its very life. That is the secret to this Grand Cru’s complexity.” 「生長在 Richebourg 的葡萄樹可謂歷盡艱辛。因為這裡的土層並不深厚,為了生存,葡萄樹的根部必須盡力往下生長,所以採用這片頂級園的葡萄釀製的佳釀,層次特別複雜。」
Henri Jayer

“When the vintage is good, wine deserves to be preserved so that we can pass on a few bottles to our descendants. It also deserves to be tasted whenever it is craved!.......A well-made wine offers the possibility of a long life while offering pleasure at any moment of that life.” 「出自好年份的佳釀值得被收藏起來,傳下去讓後世也得以品嚐。當然,想喝就喝也絕對合理!」—— 「一瓶釀製得宜的葡萄酒不但可以長久保存,在其漫長壽命中的任何時刻亦應該能夠為人帶來愉悅的享受。」
Henri Jayer

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