S otheby’s Contemporary Art Fall 2020 Sales will present a spectacular selection of distinguished works by leading Asian and Western artist. This season Day Sale offers wide variety in bodies of contemporary art, from abstraction to figurative paintings, to monumental sculptures, led by prominent blue-chip artist such as Gunther Forg, Liu Ye, Yayoi Kusama and Genichiro Inokuma, juxtaposed with playful works by emerging artists, Jonathan Gardner, Yu Ji, Austin Lee to Claire Tabouret. Two prominent collections are offered across the Evening and Day Sales, ‘The FirstAvant-Garde: Master works from Johnson Chang Collection,’ featuring prestigious works by Chinese contemporary art from Zhang Xiaogang to Mao Xuhui; ‘Art of Tomorrow: Works Sold to Benefit the Chu Foundation’, a superlative and eclectic selection of Contemporary Artists featuring Harold Ancart, Ai Weiwei and Peter Halley. Please click here to view the full catalogue PDF.
2020年蘇富比當代藝術秋季拍賣系列矚目呈獻東西方巨匠精選佳作。是次日拍陣容鼎盛,種類繁多,從抽象具像畫作至大型雕塑,涵蓋藝術家包括君特・弗格、劉野、草間彌生及豬熊弦一郎,與喬納森·加德納、於吉、奧斯汀·李及克萊爾·特伯萊等藝壇新晉同場後先輝映。今季拍賣系列更榮推「先鋒經典:張頌仁睿藏」及「藝創明天:拍賣收益惠澤譽婷堂」兩大收藏,前者聚焦藏家張頌仁收藏的中國當代藝術先驅傑作,包括張曉剛與毛旭輝的畫作,後者則囊括了現今備受熱議的當代藝術家,當中包括了哈羅德·安卡特、艾未未與彼特 ·哈雷等作品。如欲參詳完整圖錄,請按連結。
Featured Highlights 精選拍品

The First Avant Garde: Masterworks from the Johnson Chang Collection