Snuff Bottles from the Tuyet Nguyet and Stephen Markbreiter Collection Part I

Snuff Bottles from the Tuyet Nguyet and Stephen Markbreiter Collection Part I

Snuff Bottles from the Tuyet Nguyet and Stephen Markbreiter Collection Part I

Snuff Bottles from the Tuyet Nguyet and Stephen Markbreiter Collection Part I

28 May - 4 June 2021 • Hong Kong

Your local time • 02:00 AM GMT

A white overlay cobalt-blue glass 'lily' snuff bottle Qing dynasty, 18th - 19th century | 清十八至十九世紀 藍地套白料萱花紋鼻煙壺

1001 A white overlay cobalt-blue glass 'lily' snuff bottle Qing dynasty, 18th - 19th century | 清十八至十九世紀 藍地套白料萱花紋鼻煙壺

A shadow agate 'ducks' snuff bottle Qing dynasty, 18th - 19th century | 清十八至十九世紀 瑪瑙巧雕寶鴨紋鼻煙壺

1002 A shadow agate 'ducks' snuff bottle Qing dynasty, 18th - 19th century | 清十八至十九世紀 瑪瑙巧雕寶鴨紋鼻煙壺

A famille-rose porcelain 'dragon and phoenix' snuff bottle Seal mark and period of Jiaqing | 清嘉慶 粉彩雕瓷龍鳳呈祥紋鼻煙壺 《嘉慶年製》款

1003 A famille-rose porcelain 'dragon and phoenix' snuff bottle Seal mark and period of Jiaqing | 清嘉慶 粉彩雕瓷龍鳳呈祥紋鼻煙壺 《嘉慶年製》款

A facetted white jade octagonal snuff bottle Qing dynasty, 18th century | 清十八世紀 白玉磨花八方鼻煙壺

1004 A facetted white jade octagonal snuff bottle Qing dynasty, 18th century | 清十八世紀 白玉磨花八方鼻煙壺

An emerald-green and yellow double-overlay pink glass ‘silkworms’ snuff bottle Yangzhou school, Qing dynasty, 19th century | 清十九世紀 揚州作粉紅地套黃綠料錦衣玉食圖鼻煙壺

1005 An emerald-green and yellow double-overlay pink glass ‘silkworms’ snuff bottle Yangzhou school, Qing dynasty, 19th century | 清十九世紀 揚州作粉紅地套黃綠料錦衣玉食圖鼻煙壺

A white and pink double-overlay dark green glass 'eight immortals' snuff bottle Qing dynasty, 18th - 19th century | 清十八至十九世紀 綠地套雙色料八仙獻壽圖鼻煙壺

1007 A white and pink double-overlay dark green glass 'eight immortals' snuff bottle Qing dynasty, 18th - 19th century | 清十八至十九世紀 綠地套雙色料八仙獻壽圖鼻煙壺

A five-colour overlay white glass 'dragons' snuff bottle Qing dynasty, 18th - 19th century | 清十八至十九世紀 涅白地套五色彩料龍紋鼻煙壺

1008 A five-colour overlay white glass 'dragons' snuff bottle Qing dynasty, 18th - 19th century | 清十八至十九世紀 涅白地套五色彩料龍紋鼻煙壺

A lapis lazuli snuff bottle Qing dynasty, 18th - 19th century | 清十八至十九世紀 青金石鼻煙壺

1009 A lapis lazuli snuff bottle Qing dynasty, 18th - 19th century | 清十八至十九世紀 青金石鼻煙壺

A green overlay blue glass 'dragons' snuff bottle Qing dynasty, 18th - 19th century | 清十八至十九世紀 藍地套綠料龍紋鼻煙壺

1010 A green overlay blue glass 'dragons' snuff bottle Qing dynasty, 18th - 19th century | 清十八至十九世紀 藍地套綠料龍紋鼻煙壺

A white jade 'Charles IV' snuff bottle Qing dynasty, 18th - 19th century | 清十八至十九世紀 白玉西班牙查理四世錢幣鼻煙壺

1011 A white jade 'Charles IV' snuff bottle Qing dynasty, 18th - 19th century | 清十八至十九世紀 白玉西班牙查理四世錢幣鼻煙壺

A Canton enamel ‘European subject’ snuff bottle Mark and period of Qianlong | 清乾隆 銅胎廣東畫琺瑯西洋人物圖鼻煙壺 《乾隆年製》款

1012 A Canton enamel ‘European subject’ snuff bottle Mark and period of Qianlong | 清乾隆 銅胎廣東畫琺瑯西洋人物圖鼻煙壺 《乾隆年製》款

An inscribed yellow and russet jade snuff bottle Qing dynasty, dated gengshen year, corresponding to 1740 or 1800 | 清庚申年(1740或1800年) 黃玉福壽雙全鼻煙壺 「庚申年冬日、香遠益清」字

1013 An inscribed yellow and russet jade snuff bottle Qing dynasty, dated gengshen year, corresponding to 1740 or 1800 | 清庚申年(1740或1800年) 黃玉福壽雙全鼻煙壺 「庚申年冬日、香遠益清」字

A facetted celadon-green glass octagonal snuff bottle Mark and period of Daoguang | 清道光 涅綠料磨花八棱鼻煙壺 《道光年製》款

1014 A facetted celadon-green glass octagonal snuff bottle Mark and period of Daoguang | 清道光 涅綠料磨花八棱鼻煙壺 《道光年製》款

A five-colour overlay white glass 'Liu Hai' snuff bottle Qing dynasty, 18th century | 清十八世紀 涅白地套五色劉海戲金蟾圖鼻煙壺

1015 A five-colour overlay white glass 'Liu Hai' snuff bottle Qing dynasty, 18th century | 清十八世紀 涅白地套五色劉海戲金蟾圖鼻煙壺

A famille-rose porcelain snuff bottle Seal mark and period of Qianlong | 清乾隆 藍地描金開光粉彩庭園人物圖鼻煙壺 《乾隆年製》款

1016 A famille-rose porcelain snuff bottle Seal mark and period of Qianlong | 清乾隆 藍地描金開光粉彩庭園人物圖鼻煙壺 《乾隆年製》款

A Yangzhou white overlay turquoise-blue glass 'twelve zodiac animals' snuff bottle Qing dynasty, 19th century | 清十九世紀 揚州作翠藍地套白料十二生肖圖鼻煙壺

1017 A Yangzhou white overlay turquoise-blue glass 'twelve zodiac animals' snuff bottle Qing dynasty, 19th century | 清十九世紀 揚州作翠藍地套白料十二生肖圖鼻煙壺

An inside-painted glass 'hundred antiques' snuff bottle By Ma Shaoxuan, dated guimao year, corresponding to 1903 | 癸卯(1903年) 馬少宣作玻璃內畫題詩百歲圖鼻煙壺

1018 An inside-painted glass 'hundred antiques' snuff bottle By Ma Shaoxuan, dated guimao year, corresponding to 1903 | 癸卯(1903年) 馬少宣作玻璃內畫題詩百歲圖鼻煙壺

An aventurine overlay purple-blue glass 'chilong' snuff bottle Qing dynasty, 18th century | 清十八世紀 透明紫地套金星玻璃螭龍紋鼻煙壺

1019 An aventurine overlay purple-blue glass 'chilong' snuff bottle Qing dynasty, 18th century | 清十八世紀 透明紫地套金星玻璃螭龍紋鼻煙壺

A 'peanut agate' snuff bottle Qing dynasty, 18th - 19th century | 清十八至十九世紀 瑪瑙巧作早生貴子鼻煙壺

1020 A 'peanut agate' snuff bottle Qing dynasty, 18th - 19th century | 清十八至十九世紀 瑪瑙巧作早生貴子鼻煙壺

A five-colour overlay white glass 'floral' snuff bottle Qing dynasty, 18th century | 清十八世紀 涅白地套五色料花蝶紋鼻煙壺

1021 A five-colour overlay white glass 'floral' snuff bottle Qing dynasty, 18th century | 清十八世紀 涅白地套五色料花蝶紋鼻煙壺

A blue-ground Yixing stoneware 'Pekingese dogs and pigeons' snuff bottle Qing dynasty, Daoguang period | 清道光 宜興紫砂堆料加彩雙犬圖鼻煙壺

1022 A blue-ground Yixing stoneware 'Pekingese dogs and pigeons' snuff bottle Qing dynasty, Daoguang period | 清道光 宜興紫砂堆料加彩雙犬圖鼻煙壺

A five-colour overlay snowflake glass 'chilong' snuff bottle Qing dynasty, 18th - 19th century | 清十八至十九世紀 雪霏地套五色料螭龍紋鼻煙壺

1023 A five-colour overlay snowflake glass 'chilong' snuff bottle Qing dynasty, 18th - 19th century | 清十八至十九世紀 雪霏地套五色料螭龍紋鼻煙壺

An inside-painted glass 'boys' snuff bottle By Ye Zhongsan, dated bingyin year, corresponding to 1926 | 丙寅(1926年) 葉仲三作玻璃內畫嬰戲圖鼻煙壺

1024 An inside-painted glass 'boys' snuff bottle By Ye Zhongsan, dated bingyin year, corresponding to 1926 | 丙寅(1926年) 葉仲三作玻璃內畫嬰戲圖鼻煙壺

An inscribed Yangzhou blue overlay glass 'Shoulao and Hehe twins' snuff bottle Qing dynasty, dated renwu year corresponding to 1822 or 1882 | 壬午(1820或1882年) 揚州作涅白地套藍料壽老及和合二仙圖鼻煙壺 《壬午年作》款

1025 An inscribed Yangzhou blue overlay glass 'Shoulao and Hehe twins' snuff bottle Qing dynasty, dated renwu year corresponding to 1822 or 1882 | 壬午(1820或1882年) 揚州作涅白地套藍料壽老及和合二仙圖鼻煙壺 《壬午年作》款

A jadeite-imitation glass snuff bottle Qing dynasty, 19th century | 清十九世紀 綠料仿翠玉鋪首鼻煙壺

1026 A jadeite-imitation glass snuff bottle Qing dynasty, 19th century | 清十九世紀 綠料仿翠玉鋪首鼻煙壺

A pair of Canton enamel 'European subject' snuff dishes Seal marks and period of Qianlong | 清乾隆 銅胎廣東畫琺瑯西洋人物圖鼻煙碟一對 《乾隆年製》款

1027 A pair of Canton enamel 'European subject' snuff dishes Seal marks and period of Qianlong | 清乾隆 銅胎廣東畫琺瑯西洋人物圖鼻煙碟一對 《乾隆年製》款

An inside-painted crystal 'Liu Hai' snuff bottle By Ma Shaoxuan, dated guimao year, corresponding to 1903 | 癸卯(1903年) 馬少宣作水晶內畫題詩劉海圖鼻煙壺

1028 An inside-painted crystal 'Liu Hai' snuff bottle By Ma Shaoxuan, dated guimao year, corresponding to 1903 | 癸卯(1903年) 馬少宣作水晶內畫題詩劉海圖鼻煙壺

A three-colour overlay white glass 'fish' snuff bottle Qing dynasty, 18th century | 清十八世紀 涅白地套三色料年年有餘鼻煙壺

1029 A three-colour overlay white glass 'fish' snuff bottle Qing dynasty, 18th century | 清十八世紀 涅白地套三色料年年有餘鼻煙壺

An inscribed chalcedony 'red cliff' snuff bottle | 玉髓赤壁圖鼻煙壺

1030 An inscribed chalcedony 'red cliff' snuff bottle | 玉髓赤壁圖鼻煙壺

A four-colour overlay glass 'sanduo' snuff bottle Qing dynasty, 18th - 19th century | 清十八至十九世紀 半透明涅白地套四色料三多圖鼻煙壺

1031 A four-colour overlay glass 'sanduo' snuff bottle Qing dynasty, 18th - 19th century | 清十八至十九世紀 半透明涅白地套四色料三多圖鼻煙壺

A carved jasper 'horses' snuff bottle Qing dynasty, late 18th century | 清十八世紀末 碧石駿馬圖鼻煙壺

1032 A carved jasper 'horses' snuff bottle Qing dynasty, late 18th century | 清十八世紀末 碧石駿馬圖鼻煙壺

A pair of Canton enamel 'Tang Yin landscape' snuff dishes Seal marks and period of Qianlong | 清乾隆 銅胎廣東畫琺瑯倣唐寅山水圖鼻煙碟一對 《乾隆年製》款

1033 A pair of Canton enamel 'Tang Yin landscape' snuff dishes Seal marks and period of Qianlong | 清乾隆 銅胎廣東畫琺瑯倣唐寅山水圖鼻煙碟一對 《乾隆年製》款

An inside-painted glass 'Romance of the Three Kingdoms' snuff bottle By Ye Zhongsan, dated jihai year, corresponding to 1899 | 己亥(1899年) 葉仲三作玻璃內畫三國故事圖鼻煙壺 《葉仲三作》款

1034 An inside-painted glass 'Romance of the Three Kingdoms' snuff bottle By Ye Zhongsan, dated jihai year, corresponding to 1899 | 己亥(1899年) 葉仲三作玻璃內畫三國故事圖鼻煙壺 《葉仲三作》款

A moulded and enamelled porcelain 'dragon' snuff bottle Seal mark and period of Daoguang | 清道光 瓷胎模印紅綠彩游龍趕珠紋鼻煙壺 《道光年製》款

1035 A moulded and enamelled porcelain 'dragon' snuff bottle Seal mark and period of Daoguang | 清道光 瓷胎模印紅綠彩游龍趕珠紋鼻煙壺 《道光年製》款

A facetted turquoise-blue glass octagonal snuff bottle Mark and period of Tongzhi | 清同治 透明翠藍料磨棱八方鼻煙壺 《同治年製》款

1036 A facetted turquoise-blue glass octagonal snuff bottle Mark and period of Tongzhi | 清同治 透明翠藍料磨棱八方鼻煙壺 《同治年製》款

A Yangzhou double overlay black glass 'crane and fish' snuff bottle Qing dynasty, 19th century | 清十九世紀 揚州作黑地套紅白料魚鶴圖鼻煙壺

1037 A Yangzhou double overlay black glass 'crane and fish' snuff bottle Qing dynasty, 19th century | 清十九世紀 揚州作黑地套紅白料魚鶴圖鼻煙壺

A carved chalcedony 'equestrian' snuff bottle Qing dynasty, 18th - 19th century | 清十八至十九世紀 玉髓馬上人物福壽圖鼻煙壺

1038 A carved chalcedony 'equestrian' snuff bottle Qing dynasty, 18th - 19th century | 清十八至十九世紀 玉髓馬上人物福壽圖鼻煙壺

A white overlay blue glass 'magpie and prunus' snuff bottle Qing dynasty, 18th - 19th century | 清十八至十九世紀 藍地套白料喜上眉梢鼻煙壺

1039 A white overlay blue glass 'magpie and prunus' snuff bottle Qing dynasty, 18th - 19th century | 清十八至十九世紀 藍地套白料喜上眉梢鼻煙壺

A famille-rose porcelain 'Romance of the West Chamber' snuff bottle Seal mark and period of Jiaqing | 清嘉慶 青花描金粉彩西廂人物圖鼻煙壺 《嘉慶年製》款

1040 A famille-rose porcelain 'Romance of the West Chamber' snuff bottle Seal mark and period of Jiaqing | 清嘉慶 青花描金粉彩西廂人物圖鼻煙壺 《嘉慶年製》款

A blue overlay white glass 'deer and crane' snuff bottle Qing dynasty, 18th - 19th century | 清十八至十九世紀 涅白地套藍料鹿鶴同春圖鼻煙壺

1041 A blue overlay white glass 'deer and crane' snuff bottle Qing dynasty, 18th - 19th century | 清十八至十九世紀 涅白地套藍料鹿鶴同春圖鼻煙壺

An inscribed lacquered wood 'fisherman' snuff bottle  Qing dynasty, Guangxu period, dated bingwu year, corresponding to 1886 | 清光緒丙戌年(1886年) 漆木寒江獨釣圖鼻煙壺 《光緒丙戌》款

1042 An inscribed lacquered wood 'fisherman' snuff bottle Qing dynasty, Guangxu period, dated bingwu year, corresponding to 1886 | 清光緒丙戌年(1886年) 漆木寒江獨釣圖鼻煙壺 《光緒丙戌》款

A five-colour overlay white glass 'four noble occupations' snuff bottle Qing dynasty, 18th - 19th century | 清十八至十九世紀 透明地套五色料漁樵耕讀圖鼻煙壺

1043 A five-colour overlay white glass 'four noble occupations' snuff bottle Qing dynasty, 18th - 19th century | 清十八至十九世紀 透明地套五色料漁樵耕讀圖鼻煙壺

A facetted amber-yellow glass octagonal snuff bottle Mark and period of Guangxu | 清光緒 透明琥珀色料磨棱八方鼻煙壺 《光緒年製》款

1044 A facetted amber-yellow glass octagonal snuff bottle Mark and period of Guangxu | 清光緒 透明琥珀色料磨棱八方鼻煙壺 《光緒年製》款

An inside-painted glass 'chickens' snuff bottle  By Ziyizi, signed Zhou Leyuan, dated xinmao year, corresponding to 1891 | 辛卯(1891年) 自怡子作玻璃內畫錦雞紋鼻煙壺 《周樂元》款

1045 An inside-painted glass 'chickens' snuff bottle By Ziyizi, signed Zhou Leyuan, dated xinmao year, corresponding to 1891 | 辛卯(1891年) 自怡子作玻璃內畫錦雞紋鼻煙壺 《周樂元》款

A Yangzhou inscribed pink overlay white glass 'bird and lotus' snuff bottle Qing dynasty, 19th century | 清十九世紀 揚州作白地套紅料花鳥圖鼻煙壺

1046 A Yangzhou inscribed pink overlay white glass 'bird and lotus' snuff bottle Qing dynasty, 19th century | 清十九世紀 揚州作白地套紅料花鳥圖鼻煙壺

An inside-painted glass 'Liao Zhai' snuff bottle By Ye Zhongsan, dated jiachen year, corresponding to 1904 | 甲辰(1904年) 葉仲三作玻璃內畫聊齋故事圖鼻煙壺 《葉仲三作》款

1047 An inside-painted glass 'Liao Zhai' snuff bottle By Ye Zhongsan, dated jiachen year, corresponding to 1904 | 甲辰(1904年) 葉仲三作玻璃內畫聊齋故事圖鼻煙壺 《葉仲三作》款

A turquoise-blue overlay purple glass 'monkey and peach' snuff bottle Qing dynasty, 18th - 19th century | 清十八至十九世紀 黑地套藍料靈猴獻壽鼻煙壺

1048 A turquoise-blue overlay purple glass 'monkey and peach' snuff bottle Qing dynasty, 18th - 19th century | 清十八至十九世紀 黑地套藍料靈猴獻壽鼻煙壺

A large chalcedony 'Meng Haoran' snuff bottle Qing dynasty, 18th - 19th century | 清十八至十九世紀 玉髓巧雕踏雪尋梅圖鼻煙壺

1049 A large chalcedony 'Meng Haoran' snuff bottle Qing dynasty, 18th - 19th century | 清十八至十九世紀 玉髓巧雕踏雪尋梅圖鼻煙壺