The Aten: Brilliancy of Light and the Promise of a New Dawn

2 October 2024 | Hong Kong

The Aten, celebrated as the largest brilliant-cut fancy vivid yellow diamond at 67.20 carats, takes its name from the ancient Egyptian sun-disk deity, Aten, who was central to sun worship during the Amarna period. This remarkable gemstone's vibrant yellow hue beautifully echoes the imagery found in the Great Hymn to the Aten, a profound text that extols the sun's vital role in the cosmos. The diamond’s luminous colour not only mirrors the sun's radiance but also symbolises renewal and new beginnings, akin to the daily rebirth of the sun at dawn. In this context, The Aten serves as a metaphorical embodiment of the sun, reinforcing the notion of light as a transformative force.

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