TRANSCENDENT FORM Classical Chinese Art from the Yin Xue Tang Collection: Part 1

TRANSCENDENT FORM Classical Chinese Art from the Yin Xue Tang Collection: Part 1

TRANSCENDENT FORM Classical Chinese Art from the Yin Xue Tang Collection: Part 1

An extremely rare Guan handled cup, Southern Song dynasty | 南宋 官窰單把盃

10 An extremely rare Guan handled cup, Southern Song dynasty | 南宋 官窰單把盃

A rare gilt-decorated celadon-glazed leaf-form ink palette, Seal mark and period of Qianlong | 清乾隆 粉青釉描金葉式筆掭 《大清乾隆年製》款

11 A rare gilt-decorated celadon-glazed leaf-form ink palette, Seal mark and period of Qianlong | 清乾隆 粉青釉描金葉式筆掭 《大清乾隆年製》款

A rare agate lobed ink palette, Qing dynasty, Yongzheng period or earlier | 清雍正或更早 瑪瑙葵式筆舔

12 A rare agate lobed ink palette, Qing dynasty, Yongzheng period or earlier | 清雍正或更早 瑪瑙葵式筆舔

An extremely rare and finely carved black 'tixi' lacquer lobed dish, Mark and period of Xuande | 明宣德 烏面剔犀如意雲紋葵式盤 《大明宣德年製》款

13 An extremely rare and finely carved black 'tixi' lacquer lobed dish, Mark and period of Xuande | 明宣德 烏面剔犀如意雲紋葵式盤 《大明宣德年製》款

A superbly carved Dingyao 'lotus' bowl, Northern Song dynasty | 北宋 定窰劃蓮紋深腹盌

14 A superbly carved Dingyao 'lotus' bowl, Northern Song dynasty | 北宋 定窰劃蓮紋深腹盌

An extraordinary group of seven jade imperial archer's rings with its imperial inscribed cinnabar lacquer box and cover, Marks and period of Qianlong; the box and cover recorded to have been made in or before 1752 | 清乾隆 御製翡翠和闐玉扳指七枚 連御製詩剔紅紫檀落花流水三魚紋蓋盒 《乾隆年製》款 據錄漆盒製於乾隆十七年或更早

15 An extraordinary group of seven jade imperial archer's rings with its imperial inscribed cinnabar lacquer box and cover, Marks and period of Qianlong; the box and cover recorded to have been made in or before 1752 | 清乾隆 御製翡翠和闐玉扳指七枚 連御製詩剔紅紫檀落花流水三魚紋蓋盒 《乾隆年製》款 據錄漆盒製於乾隆十七年或更早

A finely carved bamboo brushpot by Zhou Hao, Qing dynasty, dated gengxu year, corresponding to 1730 | 清庚戌年(1730年) 周顥作山林景緻竹刻筆筒 《庚戌仲夏芷嵒周顥》款

16 A finely carved bamboo brushpot by Zhou Hao, Qing dynasty, dated gengxu year, corresponding to 1730 | 清庚戌年(1730年) 周顥作山林景緻竹刻筆筒 《庚戌仲夏芷嵒周顥》款

A small Junyao purple-splashed tripod incense burner, Song dynasty | 宋 鈞窰天藍釉紫斑三足爐

17 A small Junyao purple-splashed tripod incense burner, Song dynasty | 宋 鈞窰天藍釉紫斑三足爐

A large and superbly painted and incised Cizhou 'peony and butterfly' bowl, Song dynasty | 宋 磁州褐彩劃牡丹蝴蝶紋缽

18 A large and superbly painted and incised Cizhou 'peony and butterfly' bowl, Song dynasty | 宋 磁州褐彩劃牡丹蝴蝶紋缽

A magnificent and extremely rare large painted wood standing figure of bodhisattva, Jin dynasty | 金 彩繪木雕菩薩立像

19 A magnificent and extremely rare large painted wood standing figure of bodhisattva, Jin dynasty | 金 彩繪木雕菩薩立像

A rare blue and white 'floral' stem cup, Mark and period of Xuande | 明宣德 青花纏枝花卉紋豆 《大明宣德年製》款

20 A rare blue and white 'floral' stem cup, Mark and period of Xuande | 明宣德 青花纏枝花卉紋豆 《大明宣德年製》款

A rare and large carved Dingyao 'lotus' lobed conical bowl, Northern Song - Jin dynasty | 北宋至金 定窰劃蓮紋葵口盌

21 A rare and large carved Dingyao 'lotus' lobed conical bowl, Northern Song - Jin dynasty | 北宋至金 定窰劃蓮紋葵口盌

A phosphatic-splashed jar and cover, Song dynasty | 宋 黑釉灑斑蓋罐

22 A phosphatic-splashed jar and cover, Song dynasty | 宋 黑釉灑斑蓋罐

A marble-inset zitan table screen, The marble: Ming dynasty; the stand: Qing dynasty, 18th century | 明 大理石座屏 連 清十八世紀 紫檀座

23 A marble-inset zitan table screen, The marble: Ming dynasty; the stand: Qing dynasty, 18th century | 明 大理石座屏 連 清十八世紀 紫檀座

An important and exceptionally rare imperial carved amber 'five dragons' 'jingyun qinian' seal, Qing dynasty, Kangxi period | 清康熙 康熙帝御寶琥珀五龍鈕璽 印文:景運耆年

24 An important and exceptionally rare imperial carved amber 'five dragons' 'jingyun qinian' seal, Qing dynasty, Kangxi period | 清康熙 康熙帝御寶琥珀五龍鈕璽 印文:景運耆年

An extremely rare Junyao bottle vase, Northern Song dynasty | 北宋 鈞窰天藍釉長頸膽瓶

25 An extremely rare Junyao bottle vase, Northern Song dynasty | 北宋 鈞窰天藍釉長頸膽瓶

A finely carved white and russet jade 'dragon' brushrest, Yuan - early Ming dynasty | 元至明初 白玉雙螭穿雲紋筆擱

26 A finely carved white and russet jade 'dragon' brushrest, Yuan - early Ming dynasty | 元至明初 白玉雙螭穿雲紋筆擱

An inscribed Duan drum-shaped inkstone, Qing dynasty, Jiaqing - Daoguang period | 清嘉慶至道光 端石刻仿石鼓文三足硯 原配銘文木硯匣 《澹岩屬、初菴銘、次閑書、子謙刻》款

27 An inscribed Duan drum-shaped inkstone, Qing dynasty, Jiaqing - Daoguang period | 清嘉慶至道光 端石刻仿石鼓文三足硯 原配銘文木硯匣 《澹岩屬、初菴銘、次閑書、子謙刻》款

A 'Yang Meng' lingbi rock inscribed by Luo Pin, Qing dynasty and an album and a painting by Liu Dan (b. 1953) | 清 羅聘題靈璧「養蒙」石供 《兩峯為解谷題》款
連 劉丹畫養蒙石八面容姿畫冊及畫軸

28 A 'Yang Meng' lingbi rock inscribed by Luo Pin, Qing dynasty and an album and a painting by Liu Dan (b. 1953) | 清 羅聘題靈璧「養蒙」石供 《兩峯為解谷題》款
連 劉丹畫養蒙石八面容姿畫冊及畫軸

An important and exceptionally carved cinnabar lacquer 'lotus' dish, 14th century, Yang Mao mark | 十四世紀 剔紅荷塘圖盤 《楊茂造》款

29 An important and exceptionally carved cinnabar lacquer 'lotus' dish, 14th century, Yang Mao mark | 十四世紀 剔紅荷塘圖盤 《楊茂造》款

A small Cizhou 'quail' double-gourd vase, Song dynasty | 宋 磁州窰珍珠地鳥紋葫蘆小瓶

30 A small Cizhou 'quail' double-gourd vase, Song dynasty | 宋 磁州窰珍珠地鳥紋葫蘆小瓶

A rare and small blue and sancai-glazed pillow, Tang dynasty | 唐 三彩加藍印花方枕

31 A rare and small blue and sancai-glazed pillow, Tang dynasty | 唐 三彩加藍印花方枕

An important and very rare sandstone head of Buddha, Sui - Tang dynasty | 隋至唐 砂岩石雕佛首

32 An important and very rare sandstone head of Buddha, Sui - Tang dynasty | 隋至唐 砂岩石雕佛首