1 Euripides. Tragoediae septendecim. Venice, Aldus, 1503. 2 volumes, contemporary bindings
2 Herodotus. Libri novem. Aldus, Venice, 1502. nineteenth-century calf gilt
3 Hesychius. Lexikon. Venice, Aldus, 1514. modern crushed morocco in period style
4 Hippocrates. Omnia opera. Venice, Aldus, 1526. modern snakeskin binding
5 Pausanias. Venice. Aldus, 1516. later vellum
6 Plato. Omnia Platonis opera. Venice, Aldus, 1513. modern pigskin, the Garden copy
7 Plutarchus. Opuscula moralia. Venice, Aldus, 1509. nineteenth-century red morocco gilt
8 Sophocles. Tragaediae septem. Venice, Aldus, 1502. later red morocco gilt
9 Strabo. De situ orbis. Venice, Aldus, 1516. later red morocco, Macclesfield copy
10 Suidas. Lexikon. Venice, Aldus, 1514. later calf
11 Thucydides. Venice, Aldus, 1502. eighteenth-century calf gilt
12 Aeschylus. Tragoediae. [Geneva], Estienne, 1557. later red morocco gilt in the style of Roger Payne
13 Apollonius Rhodius. Argonauticon, [Geneva], Estienne, 1574. binding by Hatton of Manchester, Macclesfield copy
14 Appianus. Romanae historiae; Arrianus, De expedit. Alex. Magni, [Geneva], 1592 & 1575. modern half calf
15 Archimedes. Opera omnia. Basel, 1544. later calf gilt
16 Aristophanes. Comoediae. Basel, 1547. modern crushed burgundy morocco gilt
17 Aristotle. Opera. Basel, 1550. later calf
18 Estienne. Poetae Graeci principes. [Geneva], 1566. later calf
19 Euclid. Stoicheion bibl. ie. Basel, 1533. modern half calf
20 Julian. Opera quae supersunt omnia. Leipzig, 1696. contemporary vellum
21 Pindar. Olympia, Pythia, Nemea, Isthmia. Frankfurt, 1542. modern burgundy morocco gilt
22 Plato. Omnia opera. Basel, 1556. later calf
23 Xenophon. Opera. Basel, Isengrin, [c. 1545]. 2 volumes, old vellum
24 Qur'an. copied by Ahmad al-Nayrizi, illuminated. Persia, Safavid and Qajar. 1122 AH/1710 AD
25 Firdausi. Shahnameh, copied by Muhammad Akram Kashmiri. North India, Kashmir. late 18th/early 19th century
26 Persian manuscript. 57ff, 10 full page miniatures. India. nineteenth-century
27 Barbier & Boylesve. Le carrosse aux deux lezards verts. Paris, 1921, green morocco
28 Bartholdy. Voyage en Grèce. 1807. 2 volumes, half calf, blue marbled boards
29 Belon. Les Observations de Plusieurs Singularitez & Choses Memorables, trouvees en Grece... 1555. calf
30 Blackwood. The Scutari, the Bosphorus and the Crimea. 1857. 2 volumes in one. modern half calf
31 Blouet. Expédition scientifique de Morée. 1831-1838. 3 volumes. modern red half morocco
32 Brondsted. Voyages dans la Grèce. 1826-1830. 2 volumes, folio, original boards
33 Chalcondylas. Histoire generale des turcs. 1662. 2 volumes, folio, calf
34 Chandler. Travels in Greece. 1776. contemporary tree calf
35 Choiseul-Gouffier. Voyage pittoresque de la Grèce. 1782-1809-1822. 2 volumes bound in 3. contemporary mottled calf
36 Cockerell. Temples of Jupiter Panhellenius at Aegina, and of Apollo Epicurius at Bassae, in Arcadia. 1860. half morocco
37 [Coronelli]. Memorie istoriografiche de' Regni della Morea. [1686]. modern vellum
38 Coronelli. Isola di Rodi. 1688. contemporary vellum
39 Dalton. [Antiquities and views in Greece and Egypt. 1791]. contemporary half calf
40 [Dalvimart]. The Costume of Turkey. 1804, [plates watermarked 1819]. folio. red morocco gilt
41 Dapper. Description exacte des isles de l'archipel. 1703. folio. contemporary speckled calf
42 Society of Dilettanti. The unedited antiquities of Attica. 1817. folio. nineteenth-century half morocco
43 Dodwell. A classical and topographical tour through Greece. 1819. 2 volumes in one. modern half calf
44 Dodwell. Views in Greece. 1821. folio. coloured plates. contemporary morocco
45 Dodwell. Views and Descriptions of Cyclopian, or, Pelasgic Remains, in Greece and Italy. 1834. folio
46 Drummond. Travels through different cities of... Greece. 1754. folio. modern calf
47 Dupre. Voyage a Athenes et a Constantinople. Paris, 1825. folio, colour plates, twentieth-century blue half morocco gilt
48 Dubois Maisonneuve. Introduction à l'étude des vases antiques. 1817-[1834]. folio, green morocco by Selenka