S otheby’s is delighted to present our upcoming Contemporary Art Online Auction, offering a fantastic selection of works by leading sought-after Contemporary artists. Featuring an exciting range of works by artists such as Keith Haring, Damien Hirst, Eddie Martinez, Yayoi Kusama, Yoshitomo Nara and MADSAKI, the sale offers something for every collector, at every price level.
蘇富比搜羅一眾當代名家佳作,匯成香港今春的當代藝術網上拍賣。凱斯・哈林、達米恩・赫斯特、艾迪・瑪汀尼茲、草間彌生、奈良美智、MADSAKI 等藝術寵兒雲集一堂,東西薈萃。
Featured Highlights 焦點拍品
幾百年來,達文西《最後的晚餐》一直令無數藝術家著迷不已,他們仔細研究這幅傳世名畫,將所思所得融入自己的創作。安迪・沃荷對《最後的晚餐》的興趣源自他的家庭宗教背景,他亦從中獲得啟發,以此為題創作出人生最後一個系列,為豐富多采的藝術生涯畫下句點。日本當代藝術家MADSAKI從沃荷身上汲取靈感,淬煉出《最後的晚餐(The Big C)II(靈感自安迪・沃荷)》。 其他當代藝術家亦各有獨特方式去詮釋這幅達文西名畫 ;或請點擊下圖紅點,深入了解MADSAKI的作品。

- MADSAKI's Signature Style MADSAKI 典型風格
The paint dripping from the subjects’ eyes and haphazard splatters together create a mood that suggests an unseriousness wholly in contrast with the emotional meaning and religious heft of both Warhol’s and Leonardo’s Last Supper paintings. Indeed, one of MADSAKI’s figures of Christ appears almost to be smiling.
- Wannabe
Detail of Leonardo Da Vinci's The Last Supper
達文西《最後的晚餐》局部MADSAKI is probably best known for his Wannabe series, which are irreverent reworkings of canonical paintings in art history. These works may be understood as mere parody, however, discernable within the works is a sense of earnest admiration for the old masters, and perhaps all of the drippy eyes and smiley-faces might in fact lampoon MADSAKI’s discomfiture at being a serious artist.
He said of the Wannabe series: "I embrace art history itself or attempt to become one with it. I first draw the rough sketch of a masterpiece with a marker, and then I recreate it with spray paint in one go. If only for an instant, I feel possessed by an artist from the past, which gives me the illusion of acquiring freedom from this world."
- Between Two Cultures 兩種文化
Some of the source material for Warhol's The Last Supper (The Big C) came from motorcycle ads, which fits perfectly into his aesthetic program of bringing everyday, recognizable imagery into the realm of fine art. The incongruities in Warhol's works appealed to MADSAKI's on a number of levels. The Osaka-born artist grew up in a racially homogeneous U.S. suburb. His navigation of a bicultural identity, and the incongruities of life as an outsider, must surely have had a significant imprint on the artist during his most formative years. Confronted at an early age with a sense of unbelonging exacerbated by a language barrier, he turned to art, drawing, and humor as his primary means of expression.
機車廣告是沃荷《最後的晚餐(The Big C)》其中一個靈感來源,沃荷喜歡將日常事物融入藝術創作,隨處可見的機車廣告正好符合他的美學取向。沃荷作品中的不協調特質從很多方面打動了MADSAKI。MADSAKI生於大阪,成長於美國郊區一個種族較為單一的社區。他對自身兩種文化身份的探討,以及生活上作為外來者的失諧感,想必在成長期間對他帶來重要影響。他早年因為言語不通,轉而以繪畫和幽默作為表達自我的主要方式。
- The Big C
Warhol began The Last Supper series amid the backdrop of the emerging HIV/AIDS epidemic of the mid 1980s. There is a direct and personal connection between Warhol's fear of the mysterious epidemic, then called the “gay cancer”, and paintings like The Last Supper (The Big C) (1986), according to Jessica Beck, curator at the Andy Warhol Museum.
沃荷在八十年代中愛滋病流行期間開始創作「最後的晚餐」系列。安迪・沃荷博物館策展人Jessica Beck寫道,《最後的晚餐(The Big C)》此類作品與沃荷對當時被稱為「同性戀癌症」的神秘疫症的恐懼,有著直接的個人關係。

In the midst of winter, Sotheby’s Hong Kong offers a dream of new beginnings – verdant colors, floral bouquets, and seasonal change – to remind us that spring is just around the corner.

Abstract works invite silent contemplation, guiding our thoughts to a retreat within. The lines, shapes, atmosphere and light all open to an expansive mindscape. The visual space of the paintings expresses just a suggestion of the unconscious, uncharted territory that is both unbounded and infinite. The following works of Ding Yi, Suh Seungwon, Sadamasa Motonaga, and Kazumi Nakamura share a kinship in their evocation of inner awareness, each incorporating a broad range of innovative and traditional influences.

In Doodleland odd little characters noodle across the surface, jumping from paper and canvas to cover chairs and even ping pong rackets. Eccentric and light — this is the Mr Doodle’s vision of the world in which art brings moments of delight and much needed levity, especially during challenging times when things appear far too serious.
Doodle樂園裡奇形怪狀的生物像麵條一樣彎彎曲曲地覆蓋作品表面,牠們從紙張躍入畫布,爬滿椅子前後,連乒乓球拍都不放過。Mr Doodle的世界異想天開,調皮活潑。在他看來,藝術應為人們排遣憂愁,傳播歡樂,在氣氛凝重的世道裡顯得尤其不可或缺。

Looking forward to a new year in 2021, we have together witnessed and left behind us moments of breathtaking historic change throughout the world. The following works reflect upon the agents of change and respectively express an understanding of these seismic shifts in recent collective memory. They are also visual reminders that we can reckon with these challenges by remaining a unified community, rather than a world of individuals.

From an optical device to the invention of color film, photography has enticed artists and viewers alike with the promise of true-to-life representations. They capture collective memories of bygone eras, creating a powerful narrative of history. Or they make fantasies materialize, offering a glimpse of life as it might have been.

Contemporary art accessories are proof that paintings need not be hung on gallery walls and appreciated from a distance. Make it stylish and personal by wearing the luxury collaborations of KAWS, Yoshitomo Nara, Yayoi Kusama or Jonas Wood as a watch, a handbag, or a scarf.