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C omprising over 800 lots and estimated in excess of HK$45 million/US$5.8 million, Finest & Rarest Wines offer a wide range of the best wines across the globe. Highlights include A Superb Burgundy Cellar assembled by a highly successful businessman, who has developed a keen eye on the best wines from the region such as Henri Jayer Vosne Romanee Cros Parantoux 1996, DRC La Tache 1996, and Armand Rousseau Chambertin 1996. A Great Bordeaux and Burgundy Cellar which features Latour 1961 & 1982, Petrus 1990, DRC Richebourg 1971 & La Tache 1990, Domaine Leroy Musigny 1997 and 1998 plus 2 cases of Sassicaia 1985 in pristine cases; Cellar of DA Burgundy Connoisseur showcases 12 bottles each of the highly sought after D’auvenay Chevalier Montrachet in original wooden case from 1997 and 1998; Cellar of a Philanthropist featured case quantities of rare Burgundies and Rhone, including full cases of 1990 Armand Rousseau Chambertin and 1998 Rayas. Lastly, a rare opportunity especially for white and Champagne lovers, as this collection featured over 120 lots / 550 bottles in great Champagne such as Dom Perignon, Krug and among others spanning 6 decades from the 1920s to 1980s. Other gems from other regions shown in the same cellar including parcel quantities of youthful reds and whites of Coche Dury, DRC from the 1970s to 1980s and wines from Gaja from 1978 to 1997.
蘇富比即將舉辦「珍稀佳釀」拍賣,呈獻環球頂級美酒,逾800件拍品總估值超過4,500萬港元(580萬美元),當中不少來自優質私人窖藏,其中「布艮地頂級薈藏」的主人是一位商界菁英,他眼光獨到,專注搜羅這個名產區裡最優質的珍釀,包括 Henri Jayer 1996年 Vosne Romanee Cros Parantoux、羅曼尼康帝1996年 La Tache,以及 Armand Rousseau 1996年 Chambertin。「波爾多及布艮地珍酩窖藏」則有1961年與1982年的拉圖堡、1990年柏翠堡、羅曼尼康帝1971年 Richebourg 及1990年 La Tache、 Le Roy 酒莊1997年和1998年份 Musigny,以及兩箱狀況如初的1985年 Sassicaia 。「DA 布艮地品鑑家酒窖」呈獻12瓶來自 D’auvenay 酒莊的原木箱1997和1998年 Chevalier Montrachet。「慈善家名釀非凡珍藏」有數以箱計的布艮地和隆河谷稀有佳釀,包括原箱 Armand Rousseau 1990年份 Chambertin 和1998年的 Rayas。如果您更鍾情於白酒和香檳,肯定會在這裡找到一些驚喜。本場有逾120件拍品(550瓶)皆為頂級香檳,來自 Dom Perignon、Krug 及其他享譽世界的香檳品牌,出自1920至80年代,年份橫跨60載之久,極為難得。這個非凡窖藏亦有其他地區的珍寶,如數以箱計、年份較淺的 Coche-Dury 紅酒和白酒、1970至80年代的羅曼尼康帝,以及1978年至1997年的 Gaja 陳年美酒,亦是上乘之選。
Navigating the Sale
Lot 9001 – 9036: A Bordeaux Lover’s Cellar
Lot 9037 – 9152: A Treasure Chest of Global Classics
Lot 9153 – 9439: Wines From The Transcendent Sale – Rare Champagne, Burgundy, and Rhone in Parcel Quantities
Lot 9440 – 9441: D’Auvenay Chevalier Montrachet 1997 & 1998 in OWC
Lot 9442 – 9508: A Great Bordeaux and Burgundy Cellar from The Best Vintages + Sassicaia 1985
Lot 9509 – 9563: A Superb Burgundy Cellar
Lot 9564 – 9569: 1990 Armand Rousseau Chambertin & 1998 Rayas in Full Cases
Lot 9570 – 9575: Petrus 1990, 1989 and 1982 in Original Wooden Cases
Lot 9576 – 9591: A Compact but Mighty Burgundy Collection
Lot 9592 – 9601: DRC and Henri Jayer in Great Vintages
Lot 9602 – 9629: Mature DRC and First Growths from mid 80s to early 90s
Lot 9630 – 9635: Premium Red and White Burgundy
Lot 9636 – 9644: A Compact Collection of Rare Burgundy
Lot 9645 – 9663: Salon 1990 to 2004 and Cristal 2005 in Original Cases
Lot 9667 – 9678: An Assortment of Classic French Wine Gems
Lot 9679 – 9694: Cult Gems from Pomerol and Napa
Lot 9701 – 9715: A Wonderful Bordeaux Cellar
Lot 9716 – 9787: Left and Right Bank Gems, 1989 DRC and California Classics
Lot 9788 – 9820: Bordeaux Great Growths and DRC
Lot 9821 – 9822: Leflaive Chevalier Montrachet 2007 & 2010

The collection represents classics around the globe outside of Burgundy. Starting off with the Highly sought after Rayas in parcel quantities from 1998 to 2007. Others include the best from the Left and Right banks such as Lafite 1986, 1996 and 2003; Latour 1982, 1996 and 2000; Mouton Rothschild 1982 and Petrus 2010. In Champagne, great vintages from 1990 are showcased from Dom Perignon and Krug. Outside of France, magnificent wines are fully represented from Vega Sicilia, Solaia, Egon Muller, Penfolds and Harlan.
Many were purchased from Sotheby’s Auctions over the years
Part of a larger collection, professionally stored prior to inspection, property of a gentleman

Buyers are provided a rare chance to acquire gems from a small part of the Transcendent Sale that took place between 29 to 31 March in 2019. Wines have been stored at Crown Wine Cellars since the sale and have not been moved until recently for re-inspection. Each bottle carries a commemorative special label. Majority of the older wines were purchased from Sotheby’s and other major auction houses. Many of the wines were purchased from the most important Single Owner sales. Some wines were purchased from a handful or reputable UK and European wine merchants, with recent vintages being bought on initial release. Buyers can refer to the Transcendent Catalogue for additional remarks.
This collection offers a fabulous selection of rare and mature Champagne. For instance, parcel quantities of Dom Perignon are on offer, spanning 8 decades, from 1926 to 1992. With a total of 494 bottles and 34 magnums. In addition, Bordeaux and Burgundies spanning 6 decades are on full display with all French Classics such as DRC, Comte de Vogue, Coche Dury and Ramonet, Jaboulet, Lafite and Cheval Blanc.

This offering provides a rare chance to acquire the best vintages from the greatest names of Bordeaux and Burgundy in case quantities. Legendary Bordeaux includes Petrus 1990, Latour 1961 & 1982, Mouton Rothschild 1982, and Margaux 2000. Highly sought after Burgundy features DRC Richebourg 1971 & La tache 1990, Domaine Leroy Chambertin 1989 and Armand Rousseau 1996. Finally, 12 bottles of the legendary Sassicaia 1985 is also on offer.
Professionally stored prior to inspection, property of a lady