Arthur Fellig, known as “Weegee,” famously covered New York’s crime beat, as well as its people, nightlife and colourful everyday happenings from the 1930s until his death in 1968. A tireless self-promoter, he frequently stamped his photos: “Photo Credit by Weegee the Famous.” In 1981, Side Gallery in Newcastle upon Tyne organised the first United Kingdom tour of Weegee’s work, for which Weegee’s long-time companion Wilma Wilcox donated a collection of prints found in Weegee’s bedroom upon his death. A selection of prints from the so-called “Weegee’s Bedroom” collection offered here are being sold to benefit the Side Gallery and Collective. -AIMEE PFLIEGER, PHOTOGRAPHS SPECIALIST
Exceptional Exposures: Photojournalism Online
17 November–1 December