Sell Your Christian Dior with Sotheby's

Vintage Dior Sold at Sotheby's

Past Sales of Luxury Fashion
Past Sales of Luxury Fashion
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Frequently Asked Questions
When is the best time to sell vintage Dior fashion?
The market for vintage designer clothing is stronger than ever, with international collectors driving prices to unmatched heights. Often, these rare women’s and men’s fashion collections have been hidden from the public eye for decades. Global collectors of vintage designer clothing look for fine craftsmanship that embodies an artist or period, characterised by exquisite materials, sophisticated detail and vibrant colours. Once you consign a designer gown, dress or other collectible haute couture fashion accessories, our specialists will suggest the optimal location to sell vintage fashion for the highest price.
How can I authenticate my Christian Dior designer fashion?
Inspect your vintage Dior clothing for authentic labels and quality craftsmanship. Because forgeries exist in the marketplace, request a complimentary auction estimate from Sotheby’s. Trust our experienced specialists to thoughtfully examine and appraise your Dior women’s and men’s designer clothing to yield the highest price at auction.




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