Marchant II – Qing Imperial Porcelain
清韻晶凝 — 馬錢特藏清代御瓷 II
Live Auction: 29 April 2022 • 10:25 AM HKT • Hong Kong | 拍賣:2022年4月29日 • 上午 10:25 HKT • 香港

Marchant II – Qing Imperial Porcelain 29 April 2022 • 10:25 AM HKT • Hong Kong

F ollowing on from the success of Marchant 1 in July 2020, which testified to the connoisseurship and discerning eye of Richard Marchant, the carefully curated sequel presents a tight group of exquisite imperial porcelains from the Kangxi, Yongzheng and Qianlong reigns. Encapsulating the firm’s attention to quality, condition and provenance, highlights include both monochrome and enamelled wares, such as a celadon-glazed meiping and a rose-pink enamelled ‘chrysanthemum’ dish from the Yongzheng period.

承上佳績,再獻馬錢特(Marchant)藏瓷,悉為三代御器,雅形麗彩,盡展盛清埏埴卓絕,見證理查德.馬錢特(Richard Marchant)慧眼識珍。英倫馬錢特商號,以心細如塵見稱,著重品相、來源。專場呈單色及釉上彩瓷,如雍正粉青釉梅瓶及胭脂紅彩菊瓣盤,甚是珍罕。

Monochrome 澄明雅色

Symbolism 寄語禎祥

Archaism 古為今用

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