H andbags and Accessories Online offers extraordinary examples of the finest craftsmanship from Hermès, Chanel, Louis Vuitton and Bottega Veneta. The sale features a hand-picked selection of handbags in a variety of sizes, skins and colours, as well as accessories to complement every occasion.
"In our era of fast consumption and brand overload, Hermès stands the test of time. The savoir-faire of the maison founded in Paris by Thierry Hermès as a saddlery maker for French noblemen in 1837 is unparalleled."
The Birkin Bag was originally designed for Jane Birkin in 1983 when Jean-Louis Dumas sat next to Birkin on a flight from Paris to London. After discussing the need for a larger bag for modern women, Jane actually drafted the first design of a Birkin on an airplane sickness bag. She was then invited to collaborate with the brand on the designs, and four years later the Birkin was Born. Younger than the Kelly, the Birkin was designed to be an everyday tote bag, created slightly wider to hold more.
The Hermès Kelly, recognisable by its single top handle, additional shoulder strap & smaller more structured form (originally named Haut à Courroies), was created by Émile-Maurice Hermès and Ettore Bugatti for Hermès’ wife Julie. It was then redesigned by Robert Dumas, & subsequently known as Sac à Dépêches. In 1956 the late princess of Monaco, Grace Kelly, used the bag to disguise her pregnancy from photographers, this thrust the bag into the spotlight, and it was officially renamed the Kelly in 1977.
"One of Louis Vuitton’s most popular products was the deluxe vertical steamer trunk, a portable wardrobe with compartments and hanging space, allowing a traveller to dress without having to unpack. Other curiosities included a leather box designed to house all the volumes of Proust’s masterpiece In Search of Lost Time and a box for the Maharaja de Baroda, once the ruler of India’s most powerful princely states, to transport his silver tea set while travelling. Another ingenious invention was Louis Vuitton’s trunk with a folding bed, designed for the French explorer Pierre Savorgnan de Brazza for his expedition to the Congo in 1876."
Rebecca Doulton, The Jewellery Editor
Explore Pieces Inspired by the Trunk
Bottega Veneta
"Hard to pronounce, even harder to execute, intrecciato is the reason these bags look so good and last so long."