The Weekly Edit: Fine Jewels 璀璨珠寶
Online Auction: 19–27 November 2020 • 11:00 AM HKT • Hong Kong | 網上拍賣: 2020年11月19-27日 • 上午11:00 HKT • 香港

The Weekly Edit: Fine Jewels | Hong Kong 19–27 November 2020 • 11:00 AM HKT • Hong Kong

Season of Giving: The Best Things Come in Small Packages

While many of us will choose more intimate celebrations over big holiday gatherings this year, the spirit of giving and sharing with family and friends should still carry on. Delight your loved ones with signed pieces by Cartier, Van Cleef & Arpels, Bulgari, Hermès, Louis Vuitton, Buccellati, David Webb and Graff. With more than 60 inspiring pieces ranging in style from classic to contemporary, iconic to whimsical, this special collection is sure to bring some glitter and glamour to the holiday season. In the spirit of the season, The Weekly Edit: Fine Jewels (19-27 November, Hong Kong) is proof that the very best things come in small packages.

聖誕節近在眉睫,即使今年未能大排筵席、舉辦盛大派對慶祝,為身邊所愛尋找適當禮物的心意必不可少。蘇富比誠獻「每週精選:璀璨珠寶」(11月19至27日|香港)網上專場拍賣會,拍賣蒐羅各式小巧玲瓏的精緻禮品,讓您向親朋好友獻上最溫暖的節日祝福,以小包裝奉上大驚喜。要向摯友和家人表達感恩之情,款式獨特、設計貼心的袖珍小禮物可謂不二之選。蘇富比為您精心挑選60件精美首飾,包括卡地亞、梵克雅寶、寶格麗、愛馬仕、路易威登、布契拉提、David Webb及格拉夫等名家定製珠寶,傳統與當代款式兼備,融匯經典風格與奇趣新思,精彩紛呈,為歡樂佳節添上璀璨光彩。

“These gems have life in them: their colours speak, say what words fail of.”
– George Eliot
——喬治・艾略特(George Eliot)

Signed Pieces 名家定製

The Fine Jewels Online auction features an array of signed pieces from famed houses such as Van Cleef & Arpels, Mario Buccellati, Bulgari, Cartier, Louis Vuitton, Hermés, David Webb, and Graff. With estimates in a wide range, this sale presents a selection of beautiful pieces that can be enjoyed in the moment and for a lifetime; whether it's a cocktail ring or an elegant vintage necklace these jewels will suit every occasion.

「璀璨珠寶」網上專場拍賣會呈獻多款名家定製首飾,包括梵克雅寶、馬里奧・布契拉提、寶格麗、卡地亞、路易威登、愛馬仕、David Webb及格拉夫的精美珠寶傑作。拍品估價範圍廣闊,種類繁多,當中不乏時尚入流或適合終生珍藏的款式。不論是矚目迷人的雞尾酒戒指,還是端莊秀雅的經典風格項鏈,這些珠寶名品均能駕馭任何場合。

“A girl should be two things: classy and fabulous.”
— Coco Chanel
——可可・香奈兒(Coco Chanel)

Festival of Colour 彩色慶典

Colour is the perfect way of adding some holiday cheer to the winter, as well as an element of sparkle. From yellow, brown and pink diamonds to richly coloured rubies, spinels, alexandrites, garnets, tourmalines, and jadeite, these dazzling gems are a joyful celebration in a spectrum of colours, each expressing individual preferences and personalities.


“Colour is to the eye what music is to the ear.”
– Louis Tiffany
——路易斯・蒂芙尼(Louis Tiffany)

A Touch of Whimsy 奇趣珍寶

The best thing about jewellery is that it can be suitable for people of all ages and perfect for any style – from those who appreciate classic designs to the young at heart who enjoy playful jewels of charm and whimsy.


“I try to make everything look as if it were growing, uneven, at random, organic, in motion.”
— Jean Schlumberger
——讓・史隆伯傑(Jean Schlumberger)

A Touch of Glamour華麗氣派

Statement jewellery is sure to bring a festive flair to any holiday celebration. Between impressive ear clips, cocktail rings, dazzling necklaces and bracelets, there are a plethora of glittering pieces for this holiday season and long after.


“I adore wearing gems, but not because they are mine. You can't possess radiance; you can only admire it.”
– Elizabeth Taylor
——伊麗莎白・泰勒(Elizabeth Taylor)

Make an Offer, Make it Yours.參與競投,滿載而歸
“To be lucky, you must believe in luck.”
— Jacques Arpels
——雅克・雅寶(Jacques Arpels)

If you thought acquiring an iconic signed piece meant a fortune, then you might be surprised to find that many of the pieces have estimates or starting bids that are in fact quite approachable, and a selection of the lots are offered without reserve.


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