Modern Discoveries | Encounters
現代誌 | 相遇・啟航
Online Auction: 22–29 July 2022 • 11:00 AM HKT • Hong Kong | 網上拍賣:2022年7月22–29日 • 上午 11:00 HKT • 香港

Modern Discoveries | Encounters 22–29 July 2022 • 11:00 AM HKT • Hong Kong

Modern Discoveries | Encounters will be the inaugural sale of our “Modern Discoveries” online series in Sotheby’s Asia. The sale spans across a wide range to present a holistic picture of Modern Art during the 20th century. Highlights include a charming selection of figurative works by Bernard Buffet, Le Pho, Léonard Tsuguharu Foujita and Cheong Soo Pieng, delightful still life and landscape paintings by Pang Jiun, Walasse Ting and Affandi, post-war abstract masterpieces by Richard Lin, Hsiao Chin and Fernando Zóbel, as well as rare lacquer works by Maison des Beaux Arts de L’Indochine, Nguyen Khang and Trần Phúc Duyên. This auction will be a wonderful opportunity for collectors to engage in creative encounters with the most significant names from the modern era. Selected highlights will be exhibited at Sotheby’s Hong Kong gallery space.

「現代誌 | 相遇・啟航」是蘇富比亞洲的「現代誌」系列之首場網上拍賣,呈獻一系列二十世紀名家傑作,讓藏家盡享一場夏日視覺饗宴。本次拍賣的點睛作品包括貝爾納・布菲、黎譜、藤田嗣治與鍾泗濱筆下迷人人像、龎均、丁雄泉與阿凡迪揮毫表現淋漓盡致的風景與靜物畫、林壽宇、蕭勤及費南度・索培爾的戰後抽象力作,以及中南半島美術學院、阮康與陳福緣的珍稀漆畫。一眾現代藝術大師於此共聚,讓慧眼藏家一探現代藝術豐富多樣之國際面貌,而部分精選拍品更將於香港蘇富比畫廊空間精彩紛呈,萬勿錯過!

Picturesque Panorama風光饕宴
Postwar Abstraction 戰後抽象
Silhouette 輪廓剪影
Rare Lacquer Works 珍稀漆畫
Swipe to the right to see more lots 點擊右向鍵查閱更多拍品
Eternal Spring 滿園春色
Literati’s Curiosities 文人玩趣

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