Inkspiration: Chinese Paintings Online
Online Auction: 30 July–11 August 2021 • 12:00 PM HKT • Hong Kong | 網上拍賣:2021年7月30日-8月11日 • 中午 12:00 HKT • 香港

Inkspiration: Chinese Paintings Online 30 July–11 August 2021 • 12:00 PM HKT • Hong Kong

“Inkspiration: Chinese Paintings Online” assembles a wide variety of Chinese paintings and calligraphy across classical, modern and contemporary eras. The classical section includes works inspired by masterpieces and a group of fan leaves from Qing scholars and literati. The modern section includes a selection of works from private collections, featuring artists such as Li Keran and Huang Junbi. The sale also offers an intriguing series of contemporary ink works such as Yu Chengyao, Irene Chou, Zeng Xiaojun, Tai Xiangzhou, and Master of the Water, Pine and Stone retreat.


近現代書畫部份,包括南洋私人收藏成扇系列、香港新聞界前輩陳凡「百劍堂」收藏、〈Arts of Asia〉雜誌創辦人收藏,及一系列當代水墨名家如余承堯、周綠雲、曾小俊、泰祥洲、水松石山房主人等作。

Contemporary Ink 當代水墨
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Of Taste and Leisure 文人逸趣
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From a Southeast Asian Private Collection 南洋私人收藏

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