Important Jewels
Live Auction: 18 February 2022 • 2:00 PM HKT • Hong Kong | 拍賣:2022年2月18日 • 下午 2:00 HKT • 香港

Important Jewels 18 February 2022 • 2:00 PM HKT • Hong Kong

This sale will be conducted using remote bidding only. Bidders wishing to participate in the auction may do so by three methods: Leaving an advanced bid, Live online bidding, Telephone bidding. Please email to register bids. Thank you for your understanding.

是次拍賣會只接受網上出價、電話投標及書面投標,不設現場親身競投。如需登記參與競投,請電郵至 。感謝您的諒解與配合。

E xquisite diamonds, coloured stones, and luminous jadeite lead the Important Jewels (18 February, Hong Kong) auction, brought together in a stunning array. Among the highlights are a 10.46 carat Kashmir sapphire and diamond ring by Chopard, a 7.37 carat Fancy Light Pink diamond and diamond ring, and an exceptionally rare jadeite and diamond parure. The sale includes important signed jewels from Cartier, Van Cleef & Arpels, Bulgari and Graff, as well as a tiara and a brooch from the 19th century. Sotheby’s is also pleased to offer six lots from various Asian contemporary designers to benefit A Century of Inheritance · Women's Power, a charity project that pairs contemporary objets d’art alongside the heritage of traditional-crafted works.


除此以外,蘇富比將於今場拍賣與中國婦女發展基金會聯手合作,呈獻《百年承傳 · 女性力量》公益拍賣專題,帶來六件由幾位亞洲當代設計師悉心設計的首飾與傳統服飾,彰顯承傳百年、頻臨絕跡的傳統手工藝。設計師揉合當代時尚與傳統技法,以珠寶點綴傳統服飾,創出精妙絕倫的跨界作品,如香港著名珠寶設計師翁狄森的「莊周夢蝶」系列,以及中國品牌TTF取材自宋徽宗御筆佳作而設計的「錦雞」系列等。

A Century of Inheritance · Women's Power is produced by the Needle and Thread Charitable Foundation, and organised by China Women's Development Foundation. The charity project connects women in remote areas of China to a rich cultural heritage, in an effort to cultivate and bring traditional handicrafts to the wider public. The focus of this auction includes a historic first, presenting a women's Chinese tunic suit with unique embroidery from the southeast region of Guizhou. Alongside these traditional-crafted works, contemporary designers showcase fine jewels. Hong Kong Jewellery Designer Dickson Yewn’s ‘Golden Kaiserihind Butterfly' Brooch captures the beauty of butterflies in nature.‘Le Faisan Doré brooch by international Chinese brand TTF is inspired by Song-dynasty art. Meanwhile, emerging talent Yici Zhao presents ‘The Prelude’ brooch in the shape of a ruyi which symbolises luck and artistically reflects China’s unique cultural and historical core of the ‘The Central Axis of Beijing'.

蘇富比將於2月18日的「珍貴珠寶」拍賣會與中國婦女發展基金會聯手推出《百年承傳 · 女性力量》公益拍賣專題,呈獻由中國設計師設計的珠寶及擁有百年技藝承傳的服飾。本公益項目是中國婦女發展基金會「一針一線」專項基金為幫助中國邊遠地區婦女傳承、保護及弘揚傳統手工藝品而悉心組織及推出,讓大眾認識這些瀕臨絕蹟的手工藝及喚起社會各界關注有關文化保育。


Spectrum of Light: What We Express through Coloured Gemstones

Jade has played an indispensable role in Chinese history for more than eight millennia. From mysterious objects of ritual to the adornment of the most powerful empires, Chinese culture honours and cherishes this mystical gem like no other. The term ‘jade’ is frequently used interchangeably to describe both nephrite and jadeite. Both are highly prized for different traditions. A gem of unsurpassed beauty that at its finest may possess an inimitable electric green color, jadeite is by far the rarer of the two. The vibrant green is viewed as a symbol of vitality and longevity, with the best specimens casting a glow of supple translucency as if light and life itself are radiating from within. Due to its extreme rarity, jadeite was in the past traditionally reserved only for emperors and the imperial court. Imperial jadeite is the rarest of all jadeites, combined with a superb clarity and fine colour.

八千多年以來,玉在中國歷史上的地位一直舉足輕重。 華夏子孫皆重玉,珍而藏之;無論是作為神秘的祭器,或是皇室華寶,玉在中國文化裡備受尊崇,地位無匹。 玉分為軟玉和硬玉兩大類,同樣尊貴。翡翠即為硬玉,較為稀有;質地上乘的翡翠郁綠柔亮,令人心醉神迷。 盎然綠彩象徵活力與長壽,當中以溫潤澄明最為上,如同由內而外散發光彩和生氣。正因翡翠珍稀罕有,在古代僅供皇室貴族珍藏欣賞。


11 - 17 February 2022

11 - 16 February
11:00 AM–6:00 PM
17 February
11:00 AM–2:00 PM

Sotheby’s Hong Kong Gallery 蘇富比藝術空間
5/F One Pacific Place, 88 Queensway

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