B ringing together 941 lots and estimated in excess of HK$33.5 million (US$4.3 million), Finest & Rarest Wines features an array of offerings ranging from drinkable classics to rarities. Spearheading the sale is an exceptional selection of wines from a long-standing client of Sotheby’s, who has an unerring eye for absolute top quality. Highlights include all the First Growths in various vintages and formats, an assortment of Liger-Belair La Romanée vintages, and a vertical lineup of vintages from Ornellaia’s Archivio Storico.
Also not to be missed are 50 lots of the legendary Henri Jayer from the 1970s to 1990s, including one bottle of the mythical Vosne-Romanée Cros Parantoux 1978, four magnums of Cros Parantoux 1986 and two bottles of Richebourg 1986. Lovers of large format bottles are in for a treat, with 84 lots of stunning Bordeaux, Rhône, Tuscany and Napa wines in double magnum to the 18-litre melchior.
本季「珍稀佳釀」專場共呈941項拍品,總估價逾3,350萬港元,包羅一系列適合品飲的經典及一瓶難求的珍釀。當中有一系列來自一位蘇富比長期客戶,系列中每瓶都是頂級佳釀之作,包括一級酒莊的多個精彩年份及瓶裝,也有精選年份的Liger-Belair La Romanée,及一個Ornellaia’s Archivio Storico的垂直年份系列。
拍賣另呈50項傳奇釀酒師Henry Jayer於1970年代至1990年代的出品,包括一瓶神話級1978年Vosne-Romanée Cros Parantoux、4瓶1.5公升裝1986年Cros Parantoux,與兩瓶1986年Richebourg。鍾愛大瓶裝的,請留意同場呈獻之84 項來自波爾多、隆河谷、意大利Tuscany 及美國Napa區的大瓶裝拍品,從3公升裝以至18公升裝皆可在本場找到。

It is especially rewarding for us at Sotheby’s when a valued and long-standing client, who has bought from us at many of our most important auctions, turns to us again when he decides to sell some of his acquisitions.
Such collectors have an unerring feel for absolute top quality, and this is reflected in every wine in this sale. Whether from France, Italy, Spain or California, if it is a wine made to the highest possible standard, from stunning terroir exploited to its maximum potential, then it has a place in this auction. These wines have earned their position at the pinnacle of vinous achievement. We wander from Champagne to Burgundy, the Rhône and then over to Bordeaux; Gallic Glory is the order of the day. From Dom Pérignon Rosé to Krug, DRC to de Vogüé, the Gems of Guigal and then, finally, on to a lineup of First Growths, the choice is yours, should it be an experience of discovery or re-acquaintance.
We have been lucky enough to follow the creation and meteoric rise of Ornellaia, the great Tuscan oenological ornament, and we are delighted to bring to you here an amazing vertical lineup of vintages from Ornellaia’s Archivio Storico, presenting the full story of style and maturity.
This is a collection of great promise that delivers on every possible count. It is sure to bring great pleasure to all who add these wines to their own cellars.
All wines in this consignment were purchased from Sotheby’s auctions in London, New York and Hong Kong. Details of exact sales are noted where available.
一如本窖藏的主人,慧眼識珍的鑑藏家對頂級佳釀的直覺通常毫釐不差,本次拍賣的每一款洋酒都是最佳明證。無論產地是法國、意大利、西班牙,還是美國加州,可以在本次拍賣中佔一席位的洋酒都經歷過最高規格的釀酒程序,萃取風土精華,發揮出最大潛能,然後成為立於洋酒界巔峰的偉大成就。漫步香檳區、布艮地、隆河谷和波爾多,只見法國佳釀陣容鼎盛,彷如高盧榮耀的吶喊。Dom Pérignon 的桃紅香檳和 Krug、DRC 和 de Vogüé、Guigal 瑰釀和一級酒莊出品任君采擷,既可結交新歡,亦宜重溫舊情。
值得一提,名莊 Ornellaia 自創立以來有如晨星般在托斯卡尼的天際冉冉上升,我們有幸目睹了它的誕生和成長軌跡,這次為大家帶來 Ornellaia Archivio Storico 的垂直年份系列,讓一眾愛酒藏家領略這款佳釀的風格和成熟程度如何隨著時間而轉變。
這窖藏中的所有葡萄酒均從倫敦、紐約和香港蘇富比購買。 確切的銷售細節會在拍品頁註明。

- France
- France
- France
- France
- Italy
- Spain

We introduce another collector, a highly successful businessman who is fond of acquiring rare wines in large formats from top vintages. This astounding assembly of fine wines showcases the best of French classic regions, including all the top growths from the left and right banks of Bordeaux, spanning more than five decades. Rare burgundies are also prominently featured, such as Henri Jayer Vosne-Romanee Cros Parantoux 1986 in magnums, and eight full cases of DRC Assortment 1988 in OWC. Rhone rounds up the collection with rare 12 to 18 Litres bottlings of Paul Jaboulet Aine Hermitage La Chapelle from 1999 to 2000, and Jean-Louis Chave Ermitage Cuvée Cathelin 1990 and 1995.
Most of these wines were purchased from Sotheby’s auctions in London, New York and Hong Kong, and many came from noted single owner collector sales such as Sotheby’s Hong Kong’s “Domaine Clarence Dillon Wines Direct From The Cellars” in 2013, “The Philanthropist’s Cellar” in 2018, "Tran-scend-ent Wines" in 2019, Sotheby’s New York’s “Château La Mission Haut-Brion Direct From The Cellars” in 2016 and “The Pristine Cellar of Dr. Daniel Salzman” in 2019. Details of exact sales are noted where available.
A small part of a much larger collection, all wines have been stored at Crown Wine Cellars prior to inspection.
這位收藏家是一位事業有成的商業鉅子,閒時熱愛購藏美好年份的大瓶裝珍稀洋酒。本系列匯聚產自法國經典酒區的上乘佳釀,包括波爾多左岸及右岸所有頂級酒莊出品,時間跨度五十載。窖藏另有大量珍貴難得的布艮地美酒,例如1986年 Henri Jayer Vosne-Romanee Cros Parantoux 1.5公升裝,以及8箱原裝木箱1988年DRC佳釀精選。隆河谷方面則有極為罕見的1999至2000年 Paul Jaboulet Aine Hermitage La Chapelle 12至18公升裝,以及1990及1995年 Jean-Louis Chave Ermitage Cuvée Cathelin。
大部分洋酒購自倫敦、紐約及香港蘇富比拍賣會,當中不少來自知名的單一窖藏,例如香港蘇富比2013年的「Domaine Clarence Dillon Wines Direct From The Cellars」、2018年的「佳醇澤釀」和2019年的「超凡釀」,紐約蘇富比2016年的「Château La Mission Haut-Brion Direct From The Cellars」和2019年的「The Pristine Cellar of Dr. Daniel Salzman」。圖錄內或會列明相應的拍賣會詳情。本系列屬於全部窖藏的一小部分,於檢驗前儲存在皇冠酒窖。

The collection showcases rare and mature wines from France and the U.S., primed for consumption. In California, close to 100 bottles of the sought-after cult wine Sine Qua Non vintages from 1992 to 2002 are featured. In France, highlights include more than 50 bottles of Henri Jayer of vintages from 1980 to 1989 and a plethora of mature vintage champagne spanning over 50 years from Dom Pérignon, Krug, Cristal and Veuve Clicquot.
本系列呈獻罕有的法國及美國陳年熟釀,皆已適宜享用。備受追捧的加州奇釀 Sine Qua Non 數量接近100瓶,年份涵蓋1992至2002。法國佳釀精選超過50瓶1980至1989年的 Henri Jayer,以及來自 Dom Pérignon、Krug、Cristal及Veuve Clicquot 的陳年香檳,年份橫跨逾50載,琳瑯滿目。
- 1992
- 1995
- 1996
- 1997
- 1998
- 1999
- 2000
- 2001
- 2002