otheby’s is honoured to present a distinguished selection of works by Western and Eastern masters in our prestigious Evening Sale, including masterworks by Jean-Michel Basquiat, Banksy, Gerhard Richter, Liu Ye, Rudolf Stingel, Damien Hirst, George Condo and Stanley Whitney. The premium collection is led by Louise Bourgeois’ iconic Spider IV bronze sculpture, a masterpiece of 20th century art, and a dazzling portrait by Yoshitomo Nara, a superlative example of his mature paintings. The Evening Sale will also feature a refined selection of Chinese contemporary art from a distinguished collection, composed of works from seminal Chinese artists working in the pivotal post-1989 era, including Zeng Fanzhi and Zhang Xiaogang. Finally, we are excited to present a thrilling array of young and emerging international talent, counting Hilary Pecis, Javier Calleja and Salman Toor among their ranks.
今季蘇富比當代藝術晚拍榮幸呈獻東西方藝術大師的精選傑作,包括尚・米榭・巴斯基亞、班克斯、格哈德・里希特、劉野、魯道夫・斯丁格爾、達米恩・赫斯特、喬治・康多和史丹利・惠特尼的作品,其中領銜拍品是露易絲・布爾喬亞的經典銅雕《蜘蛛 IV》,在二十世紀藝壇上堪稱雋永之作;並呈一幅奈良美智的迷人肖像畫,經典的小女孩換上新形象,展現當時藝術家臻至成熟的風格和技巧。中國當代藝術方面亦有不少精彩佳作,包括曾梵志和張曉剛等在1989年後創作的極具時代意義的作品。此外,本場拍賣亦雲集藝壇新星,包括希拉里・佩西斯、哈維爾・卡勒加和薩爾曼・圖爾等。
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Louise Bourgeois 露易絲・布爾喬亞
Spider IV 《蜘蛛 IV》
Estimate: 120,000,000 - 150,000,000 HKD
Sculpted by Love and Trauma | Louise Bourgeois’ Iconic Spider IV
Sotheby’s Hong Kong Spring 2022 Contemporary Art Evening Sale presents an unrivaled selection of masterworks by internationally renowned contemporary artists. Leading the Evening Sale is Louise Bourgeois’ Spider IV, the most important sculpture—of any kind—ever to be offered in Asia. Arguably the most iconic example of Bourgeois’ signature Spiders, Spider IV was conceived in 1996 and cast in a limited bronze edition of six plus one artist’s proof in 1997.

The dynamism and complexity of Spider IV is most notable in the arched limbs and intricately coiled extremities, unparalleled amongst other examples of the wall-mounted Spiders. Spider IV is the edition pictured in the iconic photograph of Bourgeois, posed with her arms wrapped around the hind legs of the wall-mounted sculpture. This photograph has been reproduced in almost every publication on the artist and has become synonymous with the overall Spiders. As a result, Spider IV has become the most iconic and recognisable sculpture from the artist’s best known series. Poignant, powerful, menacing and nostalgic, Spider IV is a superlative example of Bourgeois’ most iconic motif, a masterpiece of 20th century art.

香港蘇富比2022年春季當代藝術晚間拍賣誠獻國際知名當代藝術大師佳作,其中露易絲・布爾喬亞的雕塑《蜘蛛 IV》將以領銜姿態隆重登場,堪稱是亞洲市場歷來最重要的雕塑作品;它是布爾喬亞的經典蜘蛛雕塑當中的代表作,構思於1996年,一年後限量澆鑄一版六件青銅版本及一個藝術家自留版。
《蜘蛛 IV》的八腳生物蓄勢待發,複雜的形體結構以拱起的長足和輕輕盤起的節肢末端最為引人注目,比起其他版本的掛牆蜘蛛雕塑更加栩栩如生。布爾喬亞曾與《蜘蛛 IV》合拍過一張經典照片,照片中的藝術家背牆而立,舉高雙臂圈起蜘蛛的兩隻後足。這幀合照幾乎收錄在所有關於布爾喬亞的著述中,堪稱蜘蛛雕塑的代表。由此可見,在布爾喬亞最著名的蜘蛛系列裡,《蜘蛛 IV》是最具標誌性及認知度的作品。它的存在感強烈,姿態充滿力量,狀甚可怖威嚴,卻又散發一種淡淡的哀傷氣息。本作是布爾喬亞蜘蛛雕塑的典範之作,在二十世紀藝術史上留下無數足印,地位超然。

Yoshitomo Nara 奈良美智
Oddly Cozy 《格外的舒適》
Estimate: 80,000,000 - 120,000,000 HKD
Healing with Art: Yoshitomo Nara's Pivotal Shift into the Emotional Landscape
Sotheby’s is also thrilled to present Oddly Cozy as a highlight of our upcoming prestigious Evening Sale in April in Hong Kong, a mature masterpiece by the revered Japanese artist Yoshitomo Nara. Impressive in size and arresting in its visual power, Oddly Cozy, executed in 2013, is an exceptional example of the artist’s more recent works that has never before been offered at auction.

Oddly Cozy is a quintessential example of a distinctive body of work that Nara began in 2012, after his return to the studio in April of that year following the Great East Japan Earthquake on 11 March 2011. The work is demonstrative of the shift in the artist’s visual language during this period, softening the once menacing expressions of his little girls, depicting his figures from the bust upwards, expanding his colour palette and experimenting with a shimmering translucency through more meditative layering. The epitome of Nara’s later works, this painting was exhibited at the artist’s solo show at Pace Gallery in New York in 2013, signaling Nara’s more meditative and introspective aesthetic underscored by deeper contemplations on the self and the world.


Accompanying Spider IV by Louise Bourgeois and Oddly Cozy by Yoshitomo Nara is a refined selection of works by Western and Eastern masters, including paintings by Jean-Michel Basquiat, Gerhard Richter, Rudolf Stingel, Banksy, Liu Ye, Zeng Fanzhi, Yue Minjun, Yayoi Kusama, and a spectacular large-scale paperwork by Yoshitomo Nara, of the kind that is rarely seen at auction.
與露易絲・布爾喬亞《蜘蛛 IV》及奈良美智《格外的舒適》同場的傑作,不少出自東西方藝壇大師手筆,包括尚・米榭・巴斯基亞、格哈德・里希特、魯道夫・斯丁格爾、班克斯、劉野、曾梵志、岳敏君及草間彌生,並呈一張奈良美智的巨幅紙本作品,堪稱拍賣場上難得一見的珍品。
Western Masters
Eastern Masters

The Evening Sale highlights a spectacular selection of widely-coveted, iconic works by emerging and established international talent, including Shara Hughes, Rashid Johnson, Salman Toor, Loie Hollowell, Matthew Wong, Edgar Plans, Javier Calleja and Jonas Wood, all of whom have universal appeal that has won them dedicated collector bases around the world.