Contemporary Discoveries | Kawaii Pop 2.0
Online Auction: 7–14 September 2022 • 11:00 AM HKT • Hong Kong | 網上拍賣: 2022年9月7–14日 • 上午 11:00 HKT • 香港

Contemporary Discoveries | Kawaii Pop 2.0 7–14 September 2022 • 11:00 AM HKT • Hong Kong

S otheby’s Contemporary Discoveries is delighted to announce the return of Kawaii Pop 2.0! Following its success in May 2021, this edition continues to explore the concept of “cuteness” from its roots as a subculture aesthetic to a global phenomenon of contemporary culture. Works by pioneering young artists such as Ayako Rokkaku, Mayuka Yamamoto, Roby Dwi Anotono and Noritoshi Mitsuuchi shed light on kawaii culture either through a nostalgic reimagining of childhood fantasy or with a pop-infused satire of today’s hyper-consumer realm. Such journeys into whimsy and folklore, kaleidoscopic colors, and quirky glimpses into the subconsciousness are a form of escape from the realities of everyday life while at the same time serving as defiant commentary against social pressures. The global influence of kawaii pop recurs in the works of contemporary darlings outside of Japan, including Jon Burgerman, Edgar Plans, Okokume and Kasing Lung. It also permeates through the works of younger artists such as Adam Handler, Nikki, Super Future Kid and Xavi Carbonell, each artist synthesising Japanese and Western popular culture with their own signature aesthetic.

繼去年大熱的「Contemporary Showcase | Kawaii Pop」專場,蘇富比當代藝術網上拍賣欣然再推「Contemporary Discoveries | Kawaii Pop 2.0」,紛呈琳瑯拍品,繼續探討「卡哇伊」(日語kawaii,意為可愛)的概念如何從次文化的美學土壤中破土而出,茁壯成長為風靡全球的當代文化潮流。六角彩子以繽紛色彩演繹童年幻想的天馬行空,山本麻由香以呆萌小孩圖像反思成長與童真都為「卡哇伊」文化畫上繽紛的一筆。沉浸在遐思妙想和奇幻傳說中,追求萬花筒般的迷離色彩,窺探趣怪的潛意識,是人類逃離繁囂現實的途徑,同時也是對社會壓力的反抗。除了日本藝術家,「卡哇伊」普普元素也在喬恩 · 伯格曼、埃德加・普蘭斯、Okokume、龍家昇等當代藝術家筆下再度萌發。可愛風潮也蔓延到亞當 ‧ 漢德勒、Nikki、Super Future Kid、哈維·卡沃内利等新一輩年輕藝術家的作品中,他們各以獨特的風格,將日本與西方流行文化共冶一爐。

Sale Highlight焦點拍品

Big Eyes大眼睛

The Rebel in You and Me你我靈魂裡的叛逆
Fantastic Creatures and Where to Find Them奇異生物的藏身地

Genuine Scribbles發自靈魂的塗鴉

Personification of the Adorable可愛的擬人化公式

Of Dreams and the Other Worlds夢和它以外的世界

Homage to Classics致敬經典
Growing Up有關長大

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