T his sale will encompass a diverse range of Buddhist art from China, India and the Himalayas, Chinese imperial ceramics and works of art, classical and modern Chinese paintings, as well as some great examples of Chinese imperial furnishing at the Qing court.

The art of Tibet and Nepal, and more generally Buddhist arts from the Himalayas will form an integral part in this sale. We are privileged to be offering important works from several private collections focusing on these regions in Paris this winter. A 15th century thangka from Western Tibet depicting Amitayus, a well preserved 17th-century Tibetan Kagyu nagthang thangka, a polychrome wood figure of Buddha from the early Mala Period in Nepal (c. 1200-1682), together with the family collection of Indian and Himalayan arts from the late Paul Rutten of the Netherlands, will highlight this section.
Another great Buddhist artwork in this sale is a rare and important carved wood figure of a Bodhisattva from the Song-Jin dynasty. Acquired from Eskenazi in London in 1980 and kept in the same private Milanese collection ever since, this wonderful sculpture will finally re-appear on the market after over 40 years.
巴黎蘇富比有幸於今年冬天呈獻多個備受推崇的私人收藏,薈萃西藏、尼泊爾及其他喜馬拉雅佛教藝術品,成為這次拍賣焦點。一幅珍稀貴重之十五世紀西藏西無量壽佛唐卡;一幅十七世紀西藏噶舉派黑唐卡,珍罕難得而且品相良好;一尊尼泊爾馬拉王朝 (約1200年至1682年)早期木雕加彩佛坐像;及已故荷蘭藏家Paul Rutten家族收藏一批印度及喜馬拉雅藝術品。
是次拍賣的另一焦點是一尊宋代木雕菩薩像,珍罕重要,1980 年從倫敦藝術商埃斯卡納齊手上購入,自此納入一個米蘭私人收藏,這次現身藝術市場,距離上次已逾四十載。

Paul Rutten was a leading light in the Himalayan art world and greatly knowledgeable of the religious and social culture of the region, with special focus on Nepal and Tibet. Galerie Annapurna, run by Paul and his wife Sasja in P.C. Hooftstraat, Amsterdam — just around the corner from the Rijksmuseum — was a magnet for lovers of Indian, Himalayan, Southeast Asian and tribal art and jewelry, ritual objects and artefacts for some fifteen years. A long wooden table bedecked with flowers and lined with benches was the focus of the gallery, where Paul and Sasja, ever welcoming and convivial, would entertain collectors, dealers and visitors alike. Antiques would be on the table to be handled and discussed, always including a bronze statue of Annapurna, the Indian goddess of food and nourishment, and namesake of one of Nepal’s iconic mountains after which the gallery was named. They eventually moved the gallery to Keizersgracht, close to the heart of Amsterdam’s art and antique district, where their daughter Surya joined the business bringing her expertise including knowledge of the ancient Indian language of Sanskrit. Their eclectic taste for eastern culture brought contemporary artists from Mongolia to exhibit in the gallery alongside their traditional stock of art and artefacts, and the gallery remained a gathering point for dealers and collectors for some twenty-five years. A large Western Tibet bronze figure of Maitreya and an extraordinary rare Buddhist narrative scroll painting painted by a Yuan court artist in the 14th century are the highlights of this collection.
Paul Rutten是喜馬拉雅藝術界的重要人物,對該地區的宗教和社會文化了解深刻,尤以尼泊爾和西藏為甚。Galerie Annapurna藝廊位於阿姆斯特丹的P.C. 霍夫特街,由 Paul 和妻子Sasja 經營。藝廊的位置就在國家博物館的拐角處,近十五年來一直深深吸引著印度、喜馬拉雅、東南亞和部落藝術和珠寶、禮器和手工藝品的愛好者。步入藝廊,即可看到一張長木桌,上面裝飾著鮮花,桌旁圍著長椅,這是藝廊的焦點所在,Paul 和Sasja曾經在此熱情招待過眾多藏家、藝術商和參觀者。他們會將古董放在桌上把玩、討論,而桌上總是放著一尊印度教女神安娜普爾納銅像,安娜普爾納掌管的是世人的飲食與營養,尼泊爾一座名山,以及Paul 和Sasja的藝廊也是以女神命名。他們後來將藝廊搬到了鄰近阿姆斯特丹藝術和古董區中心的紳士運河(Keizersgracht)區,在那裡他們的女兒 Surya也加盟了家族生意,她對古印度梵語有相當認識,隨即將專業知識引入藝廊。他們對東方文化的品味獨到而不拘一格,讓蒙古當代藝術家與傳統藝術品在藝廊中並肩而立。在二十五多年間,這間藝廊都是藝術商和收藏家交流、會面常到的去處。一尊西藏西部之彌勒佛,一幅出自元朝宮庭畫家之手十四世紀佛教叙事手卷,均為亮點。

A finely carved zitan 'immortals' altar table, also from a private Milanese collection and a rare bamboo and boxwood inlaid, zitan framed, 'landscape' panel rediscovered in a French family collection in Brittany, both well representative of Imperial furnishing at the Qing court will lead the decorative art section of the sale.
尚有一件紫檀案,雕工精細, 出自米蘭私人收藏;一幅紫檀框嵌竹及黃楊木雕山水樓閣圖掛屏,源自布列塔尼一個法國家庭收藏,兩者均屬清代宮廷家具經典,為這次拍賣的裝飾藝術平添神采。

The sale includes several classical and modern Chinese paintings from French private collections, including rare works attributed to the Empress Dowager Cixi (1835-1908) and by her court painter Miu Jiahui (1841-1918), together with calligraphies and landscape paintings from the collection of the art dealer Yu Peixin (d.1970).

Meanwhile a group of Kangxi period porcelains from the la Rochefoucauld collection at Verteuil castle, as well as an interesting group of later Chinese porcelain from the family collection of Lord Sandberg, former Chairman the HSBC Bank in Hong Kong (1977-1986), will all form an interesting focus for ceramics collectors in this sale.
瓷器方面,最獨特之拍品則包括:一組清康熙珍瓷,出自法國Verteuil 城堡之 la Rochefoucauld貴族收藏;及一組晚期瓷器,出自匯豐銀行前主席(1977-1986年)沈弼男爵故藏。