Arts d'Asie

Arts d'Asie

View full screen - View 1 of Lot 179. Rare et élégante boîte en bronze doré et plaques de jadéite Dynastie Qing, XVIIIE-XIXE siècle | 清十八至十九世紀 鎏金銅嵌翠玉料石四方倭角蓋盒 | A paste embellished gilt-bronze and jadeite box, Qing Dynasty, 18th-19th century.

Collection Particulière Française | 法國私人收藏

Rare et élégante boîte en bronze doré et plaques de jadéite Dynastie Qing, XVIIIE-XIXE siècle | 清十八至十九世紀 鎏金銅嵌翠玉料石四方倭角蓋盒 | A paste embellished gilt-bronze and jadeite box, Qing Dynasty, 18th-19th century

Auction Closed

December 11, 04:16 PM GMT


30,000 - 50,000 EUR

Lot Details


Collection Particulière Française


Rare et élégante boîte en bronze doré et plaques de jadéite Dynastie Qing, XVIIIE-XIXE siècle

清十八至十九世紀 鎏金銅嵌翠玉料石四方倭角蓋盒

A paste embellished gilt-bronze and jadeite box, Qing Dynasty, 18th-19th century

très finement exécutée, la boîte en bronze doré de forme rectangulaire à pans coupés, chaque face incrustée de plaques de jadéite lisse et polie de couleur vert pomme brillant avec des taches blanches fumées, ornée de cadres en perles de verre rubis et bordée par une bande continue de verre transparent sur le dessus et en bas, le couvercle à charnière décoré de la même manière, la base finement gravée d'une double frise de rinceaux feuillagés enserrant un cartouche central orné d’un sceptre ruyi et d’une branche chargée de pêches, l'intérieur doublé d'un compartiment en cuvette amovible ciselé de fleurs épanouies


7,5 x 9,8 x 8,2 cm, 3 by 3⅞ by 3¼ in.

7.5 x 9.8 x 8.2 公分, 3 x 3⅞x 3¼英寸

One of the rarest and most valued materials used during the eighteenth century, jadeite became popular in China shortly after it was imported from Myanmar in the early Qing dynasty. Because of its physical qualities, with its soft translucency and luminous depth, jadeite suited the artistic and intellectual tastes of the court. The stone was assessed according to its purity and colour, as well as the sound it produced when struck.The superiority of the jadeite in the present box is displayed to its full splendour by leaving the polished surface undecorated, a practice which was reserved only for the highest quality stones. The brilliance of the green and smoky white tones are further accentuated by the contrasting tones and luminescence of the inlaid red and white glass paste, adding to the luxurious nature of the box.Jadeite vessels of this type are rare; for a cigarette case of even emerald green colour with a band of cabochon rubies near the top of the body, see one sold in our New York rooms, 18th April 1989, lot 242. Compare also a lapis lazuli and white jade embellished gold-mounted cosmetic box offered at Christie's Hong Kong, 3rd December 2008, lot 2258; and a larger silver jewellery box inlaid with silver filigree panels depicting squirrels and flowers and glass paste stones around the edges, included in the exhibition The Imperial Packing Art of the Qing Dynasty, The Palace Museum, Beijing, 1999, cat. no. 120.