The Evolution of Contemporary Art: The Visionary Collection of Chara Schreyer


Today, the extraordinary Collection of Chara Schreyer traces the evolution of Contemporary Art history at nearly every critical juncture, and it can be attributed to none other than her own visionary and tasteful eye. With its broader curatorial origins beginning with Marcel Duchamp – the Dada Conceptual prodigy and progenitor from which the rest of the Collection extends – the Collection of Chara Schreyer encompasses over six hundred artworks that celebrate interconnectedness and adaptability, all connected by their beguiling re-enchantment of the mundane. Famously, Chara referred to these masterpieces as “making strange,” paying homage to the uniquely astounding ability of art in the wake of Duchamp to change perceptions – to make the familiar strange, the strange familiar.

Art House: The Collection of Chara Schreyer Online Auction will take place on 23-29 February 2024.

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