Which came first: the cocktail or the page? Discover the American History of Spirits and Literature with Sotheby’s AVP Whiskey Specialist Zev Glesta and Books Department Member Fenella Theis.
Sotheby’s is pleased to present Great Writers/Great Drinkers, a curated selection of works that play on the longstanding relationship between some of America’s most prolific authors and their favorite pastime. Whether it’s F. Scott Fitzgerald’s bootlegging Jay Gatsby, or the colossal amount of wine consumed by Jake in Ernest Hemingway’s The Sun Also Rises, we’re celebrating classic texts by revered authors that address this theme. As part of Visions of America, Great Writers/Great Drinkers brings together a dynamic array of American literature alongside auctions featuring exceptional American art, objects, and wine and spirits, with all works in this selling exhibition available for immediate purchase.