Brushwork III – Abstract Masters Auction Preview Cocktail

Hong Kong
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Continuing on the phenomenal success of the first two Brushwork sales, Brushwork III - Abstract Masters has once again achieved ‘white glove’ making this the third consecutive sold sale of the ‘brushwork’ series. Brushwork III - Abstract Masters is one of the largest and most ambitious iterations of the series which explored diverse artistic language of abstraction developed since 1945. The auction has also achieved three new artist auction records for Ueda Sokyu, Ha Chonghyun, and Park Yungnam with an overall result of HK$159 million making this the highest value achieved for any mid-season sale at Sotheby’s S|2 Gallery. Click ahead to view photos from the auction preview cocktail, in partnership with AXA.

Brushwork III – Abstract Masters Auction Preview Cocktail
