The Nature of Arp

13 April–2 September 2019

Exhibition Overview

Jean Arp, Head and Shell (Tête et coquille), ca. 1933, polished brass, 19.7 cm high. Peggy Guggenheim Collection, Venice 76.2553 PG 54

The exhibition will present a compelling new look at an artist whose experimental approach to the creative process and radical rethinking of traditional art forms resonate with the wide-ranging character of art today. Over a career spanning over six decades, Jean (Hans) Arp (1886–1966) produced an influential body of work in a rich variety of materials and formats. A founder of Dada, he developed a vocabulary of curving, organic forms that moved fluidly between abstraction and representation and became a point of reference for subsequent generations of artists. The exhibition is organized by the Nasher Sculpture Center, first venue of the show.

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