Exhibition Overview

Allora & Calzadilla, The Bell, The Digger, and The Tropical Pharmacy, 2013. HD video, color, sound, 20 minute 40 seconds. Courtesy the artists. © Jennifer Allora, Guillermo Calzadilla.
Working at the intersection of video, performance, and sculpture, artists Jennifer Allora (b. Philadelphia, USA, 1974) and Guillermo Calzadilla (b. Havana, Cuba, 1971) are a major reference in the artistic practices of the past two decades. The Tropical Pharmacy articulates three works in a cohesive set that has been specifically conceived for its presentation at the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao’s gallery 103. This exhibition exemplifies the consistency and diversity of works made by the artists in their home island of Puerto Rico—a territory they investigate as a prism for contemporary intersections of global geopolitical, ecological, and cultural history issues.
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