Modern Discoveries | Rare & Limited presents rare editioned works by a wide range of Asian and Western Modern artists from the 20th century. Highlights include a remarkable selection of editioned works by postwar Chinese masters Zao Wou-Ki, Chu Teh-Chun, Wu Guanzhong and Wang Huaiqing, mesmerizing photography by Ho Fan, Yau Leung and Wing Shya, vibrant works by Walasse Ting, sensuous portraits by Pan Yuliang and Léonard Tsuguharu Foujita, and striking figurative pieces by Bernard Buffet, André Brasilier and Chaim Gross. The auction will be a special opportunity for collectors to acquire rare and limited works by some of the most significant artists from the era.
「現代誌 | 限定 • 奇珍」穿梭二十世紀東、西方現代藝壇的迷人風采,呈獻一系列大師的珍稀限量版數精品。本次拍賣的點睛之作包括抽象大師趙無極、朱德群、吳冠中及王懷慶的版畫,著名攝影師何藩、邱良及夏永康的作品、馬克·夏卡爾及丁雄泉的紙本作品、潘玉良及藤田嗣治的人像作品、以及西方戰後藝術大師貝爾納・布菲、安德烈・布拉吉利及海姆・格羅斯的具象作品。籍著本次拍賣,蘇富比將與一眾藏家透過現代藝術大師所創作的限量珍品,遊歷於藝術史上這段豐富多姿的精彩時光,從中大飽眼福,滿載而歸。