S otheby’s is excited to announce our Magnificent Jewels Part Two alongside our biannual Fall auction, from October 5-28. Leading the sale will be a fine collection of jewels as wearable art, featuring celebrated jewellery houses such as Cartier, Buccellati and Boucheron. With a wide range of mesmerizing coloured stones, top quality brilliant diamonds and vibrant coloured diamonds, the curation is sure to captivate jewellery connoisseurs.
蘇富比「瑰麗珠寶 II」網上專場拍賣與一年一度的秋季拍賣會同期舉行,網上競投由10月5日開始,至28日結束。點睛拍品包括卡地亞、Buccellati與寶詩龍等世家品牌珠寶,設計造工精美絕倫,是可穿戴的藝術品;還有色彩繽紛的寶石、頂級白鑽和艷麗彩鑽,相信總有一顆令您一見傾心。
Sale Highlights

Lot 1601 features the a pair of diamond earrings that were inspired by Café Terrace at Night. Painted by Vincent Van Gogh in 1888, the jewel encapsulates the vibrant yellows and blues that Gogh expressed through the coffeehouse and the star-lit skies. Collaborating with the Kröller-Müller Museum in Netherlands which exhibits the painting, the jewel is accompanied by an NFT that features a video of the inspiration behind the creative process, as well as a certificate of authenticity. This is the first jewellery lot in Sotheby’s that is accompanied by an NFT.
'For my part I know nothing with any certainty, but the sight of the stars makes me dream.'
拍品1601鑽石耳環一對,其靈感來自文森特·梵高於 1888 年所繪的《星空下的咖啡座》。此件珠寶完美呈現了印象派大師梵高在咖啡館仰望星空時的深邃思索與藝術創作中的靈感瞬間,正是那耀眼繁星的溫暖與浩瀚藍宇的深沉形成了鮮明的對比,成就了作品如詩如夢般的璀璨《梵星》。與展示這幅畫的荷蘭 Kröller-Müller博物館合作,這對耳環附有NFT認證,其中的視頻敘述耳環的創作, 靈感來源, 以及作品認證。這對耳環是蘇富比史上第一件附有 NFT 的珠寶拍品, 並附有博物館官方授權, 獨一無二, 具備極高的收藏潛力。

Three big stones that are all over 90 carats - a 127 carat sapphire carving of a panther, as well as a 114 carat kunzite, and a 91 carat tanzanite are featured in the sale. All designed as pendent necklaces, they are wonderful gemmological specimens of impressive size. The panther carving shows how the sculptor must have worked around the original rough hexagonal shape of the corundum crystal, mounted in an Art Deco inspired onyx and diamond necklace. The kunzite pendant necklace is also offered as a no-reserve lot.
三枚各重超過 90 克拉的大寶石 - 一枚127克拉黑豹雕刻藍寶石,一枚114克拉紫鋰輝石,以及一枚91克拉坦桑石。均設計為吊墜項鍊,它們是令人印象深刻的精美寶石學標本。黑豹雕刻展示了雕刻家是如何圍繞六邊形剛玉原石晶體進行加工,配合受裝飾藝術所啟發的縞瑪瑙及鑽石項鍊上, 精美無比。紫鋰輝石吊墜項鍊也作為無底價拍品上拍, 絕對不容錯過。

Jewellery is one of the oldest and most universal art forms. From simple pieces such as stud earrings to an extravagant diamond necklace, every jewel is wearable sculpture, a mode of creative expression, each telling its own story through the interaction of precious materials and the human body. Through head ornaments, brooches, earrings, necklaces and rings, the adorned bodies can be transformed, accentuated or amplified in such a way that they may become living expressions of art.
Beauty, power, and divinity – the ideas which have influenced great artists throughout history have also guided the designers of magnificent jewels. In the 20th century, famous artists from the Bauhaus, Surrealist and Cubist movements began experimenting with their art in 3D. Thus, the idea of ‘wearable art’ was conceived, creating an outlet from the conventions of traditional jewellery allowing these artists to create unique designs, often with sculptural qualities. In this respect, the distance between sculpture and jewellery are not so far apart. The intention to give expression to the energy of nature – such as flowers, wildlife and the ocean – or to integrate the geometries and embellishments of architectural styles have been a key inspiration. With examples from the upcoming Magnificent Jewels: Part II ( 5 – 28 October, Hong Kong) auction, we look at some of history’s most important designers who created jewels as masterpieces of wearable art.