S otheby’s is delighted to present Large Format Extravaganza | Supreme French Gems | A Single Owner Collection in The Luxury Edit. The owner of this collection has been purchasing wines from Europe for over 20 years. A wide range of French Large formats are featured in his collection, as he believes that large formats are always better for ageing and for sharing with friends and family.
This marvelous collection includes wines the most sought after Burgundy domaines (Domaine Armand Rousseau, Domaine Leroy, Domaine du Comte Liger-Belair) to Bordeaux First Growths and top Right Ranks (Le Pin, Petrus). Champagne lovers will also be pleased with fabulous names (Cristal, Salon, Krug), in particular, the fabled Cristal Brut 1989, Salon 1982 and 1990.
Other highlights include magnums from Comte George de Vogue, Domaine Dujac, Emmanuel Rouget, jeroboams to salmanazar from Louis Jadot, double magnums from Bordeaux First Growths and jeroboams from Cristal and Krug.
香港蘇富比將於今季 The Luxury Edit 拍賣系列欣呈「大瓶裝盛宴|超凡法國珍寶窖藏」洋酒專場。窖藏的主人窮盡二十多年時間,在歐洲各地搜羅頂級美酒,其中不乏品類豐富的大瓶裝法國佳釀,因為他深信,大瓶裝的葡萄酒擁有更佳的陳年潛力,而且非常適合與親友分享。
本次上拍的佳釀來自 Domaine Armand Rousseau、Domaine Leroy、Domaine du Comte Liger-Belair 等備受萬千酒迷喜愛的布艮地名莊,還有波爾多一級酒莊及 Le Pin、柏翠堡等右岸瑰寶。鍾情香檳者可以在酒單中找到 Cristal、Salon、Krug ,飲譽酒壇的 Cristal Brut 1989 年、Salon 1982 及 1990 年皆榜上有名。
同場還包括 Comte George de Vogue、Domaine Dujac 、Emmanuel Rouget 的1.5公升裝,Louis Jadot 的三公升和九公升裝,各大波爾多一級酒莊以及 Cristal 與 Krug 的三公升裝,佳品紛陳,敬請期待。
Large Format Highlights from the Collection include:
- La Romanée 1998, Bouchard Père et Fils x 2 MAGs
- Musigny, Cuvée Vieilles Vignes 1993, Comte Georges de Vogüé x 1 MAG
- Clos Saint Denis 2005, Domaine Dujac x 6 MAGs
- Clos de la Roche 2005, Domaine Dujac x 6 MAGs
- Vosne Romanée, Cros Parantoux 2008, Emmanuel Rouget x 3 MAGs
- Vosne Romanée, Cros Parantoux 2009, Emmanuel Rouget x 1 MAG
- Chambertin, Clos de Bèze 2009, Louis Jadot x 1 Jeroboam (3 Litre)
- Chambertin, Clos de Bèze 2005, Louis Jadot x 1 Jeroboam (3 Litre)
- Chambolle Musigny, Les Amoureuses 2009, Louis Jadot x 1 Salmanazar (9 Litre)
- Bonnes Mares 2009, Louis Jadot x 2 Jeroboams (3 Litre), 1 Salmanazar (9 Litre)
- Bonnes Mares 2005, Louis Jadot x 1 Jeroboam (3 Litre)
- Musigny 2009, Louis Jadot x 1 Jeroboam (3 Litre)
- Musigny 2002, Louis Jadot x 1 Jeroboam (3 Litre)
- Clos de Tart 2007, Mommessin x 1 Jeroboam (3 Litre)
- Clos de Tart 2005, Mommessin x 1 Jeroboam (3 Litre)
- Château Lafite – total 27 MAGs and 2 Double Magnums from Vintage 1983-2006
- Château Mouton Rothschild 2000 x 5 Double Magnums
- Château Mouton Rothschild 1998 x 2 Imperials (6 Litre)
- Château Gruaud Larose 1982 x 8 MAGs
- Palmer 2000 and 1999 Imperials (6 Litre)
- Le Pin 2004 x 3 MAGs
- Château Angélus 2005 x 3 MAGs
- Château Angélus 2012 x 1 Double Magnum, 1 Imperial
- Krug Vintage1996 x 2 Jeroboams (3 Litre), Vintage 1995 x 2 Jeroboams (3 Litre)
- Krug Collection 1981 x 2 Jeroboams (3 Litre)
- Louis Roederer, Cristal Brut Rosé 2002 x 3 MAGs, 2000 x 6 MAGs
- Louis Roederer, Cristal Brut 1999 x 7 Jeroboams (3 Litre)
- Louis Roederer, Cristal Brut 1989 x 1 Jeroboam (3 Litre)
- Salon Le Mesnil, Blanc de Blancs 1995 x 2 MAGs

The Cellar
This collection was mostly purchased on release from reputable European, UK and Hong Kong wine merchants. The wines have been stored in a private temperature-controlled cellar prior to inspection in Hong Kong. Part of a larger collection.
Inspection and Shipping
All wines are inspected by Sotheby’s Hong Kong Specialists in Crown Wine Cellars Hong Kong.