Distilled | Whisky + Moutai
Online Auction: 21–30 July 2021 • 10:00 AM HKT • Hong Kong | 網上拍賣:2021年7月21-30日 • 上午 10:00 HKT • 香港

Distilled | Whisky + Moutai 21–30 July 2021 • 10:00 AM HKT • Hong Kong

Please note: International Shipping is not available for any Hong Kong Wine and Spirit Sales.


S otheby’s is delighted to present our latest spirits sale in Hong Kong, Distilled | Whisky + Moutai. Headlining the sale are both old and new rarities from The Macallan distillery, with vintages dating all the way back to 1937. Elsewhere in Scotland there is a diverse range of distilleries on offer from Mortlach to Port Ellen across several independent bottlers such as Gordon & MacPhail and Signatory Vintage.

As well as Scotch, there are a number of collectable and well-aged Japanese Malts from the likes of Karuizawa, Yamazaki and Hibiki, in addition to various lots of Kweichow Moutai, including full cases, and the iconic 1974 “Sun Flower” Moutai.

港蘇富比誠獻新一輪「點滴成金:威士忌及茅台」烈酒拍賣,領銜拍品包括The Macallan蒸餾廠的年輕珍酩及陳年瑰釀,最早年份為 1937。拍賣另呈Mortlach及Port Ellen等多間蘇格蘭蒸餾廠名釀,以及Gordon & MacPhail和Signatory Vintage等獨立裝瓶廠的精彩出品。


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