T his November, Sotheby’s Hong Kong Contemporary Art is delighted to present the last edition of Contemporary Discoveries wrapping up 2022. An unmissable opportunity for new and seasoned collectors to acquire works by highly sought-after artists, the eclectic assemblage features works ranging from household names such as Ayako Rokkaku, Javier Calleja, Kazuo Shiraga, Yayoi Kusama, to the rising new generation including Aaron Johnson, Roby Dwi Antonio, Trey Abdella, and Erik Parker. The selection also introduces new auction debuts for artists Gongkan, Derek Aylward, Sun Woo and Nat Meade, to name but a few.
今年十一月,香港蘇富比欣然呈獻 2022 年度最後一場「Contemporary Discoveries」當代藝術網上拍賣,匯聚當下炙手可熱藝術家的精彩作品,是不同藏家拓展收藏之需的良機,切勿錯過。是次專場除了涵蓋家喻戶曉的藝術家,如六角彩子、哈維爾・卡勒加、白髮一雄、草間彌生,亦搜羅了新生代藝術家艾倫・莊遜、羅比・迪・安東諾、特雷・阿卜杜拉和埃里克・帕克等作品。此外,拍品中亦精選了數位首登拍場的藝壇新力軍,包括貢坎、德里克・艾爾沃德 、Sun Woo 和納特・米德等。