Sotheby’s Hong Kong Contemporary Art Online auction offers a fantastic selection of paintings, sculptures, prints and toy collectibles by some of the most sought-after names in the Contemporary art scene. Highlights include works by Yoshitomo Nara, Madsaki, KAWS, Mr Doodle, Daniel Arsham, Liu Ye and Yue Minjun. The quirky assemblage also features an exciting array of works by established street artists including Banksy, Invader, Pure Evil, Vhils and Jerkface. Offered at a diverse range of estimates, this eclectic auction offers an unmissable opportunity for new and seasoned collectors to acquire highly sought-after and cutting-edge art pieces.
香港蘇富比當代藝術欣然呈獻當代藝術網上拍賣專場。專場搜羅了一系列精彩當代藝術作品,涵蓋奈良美智、Madsaki、KAWS、Mr Doodle、丹尼爾·阿爾軒、劉野及岳敏君等炙手可熱的當代藝術家,從油畫雕塑至版畫潮玩,包羅萬象,目不暇給。拍場同時亦聚焦一眾備受熱議的街頭藝術家,囊括班克斯、Invader、Pure Evil、Vhils以及Jerkface等等,上呈作品玩味十足。本場上呈拍品種類多元,估價範圍豐儉由人,切合不同藏家拓展收藏之需,機不可失。

The open stare of child can sometimes feel uncomfortably direct. The eyes express an ambiguous intention alternating between curiosity, fascination, vacancy, or perhaps even glaring animus. It is even more disquieting when you find a work of art staring back at you in that lifelike manner. In a peculiar inversion, the eyes of the subject looks fixedly outward from the canvas, in turn transforming the viewer into the object of its gaze. What a fascinating interaction this creates, a mutual connection that blurs that boundary between the beholder and the work of art.

Street art has come a long way from its gritty beginnings in the 1970s and 1980s. It was a form of open rebellion, reflecting an innate instinct to challenge authority. Its success in redefining public perception of art has changed its own nature. What has once sprouted from the streets has now made its way into gallery spaces, testifying to the increasingly permeable boundary between the two spaces. Transcending limits of place, street art in its evolution still retains its spirit of rebellion, provocation and social commentary. It connects us to a larger world when many of us have been walled off from the outside. We’ve selected highlights to bring the art from the streets to your walls, including works by Banksy, Invader, Pure Evil, Vhils and Jerkface.
街頭藝術在上世紀七、八十年代異軍突起,時至今日早已經歷滄桑變化。它是公開反叛的象徵,代表人類與生俱來挑戰權威的本能。它重新界定大眾對藝術的看法,觀念的轉變令街頭藝術的本質也連帶發生變化。以往在街頭巷尾如雨後春筍般四處冒出的塗鴉現已登堂入室,走進畫廊和美術館,印證兩種空間之間愈來愈靈活的彈性。雖然規限不同空間的藩籬業已打破,但是蛻變中的街頭藝術依然保留了叛逆精神,挑戰並回應當今社會的議題,在很多人選擇為內心築起圍牆的今天,將我們與現實世界聯繫起來。以下精選拍品出自班克斯、Invader、Pure Evil、Vhils、Jerkface等備受追捧的街頭藝術家手筆,把藝術從街頭帶到牆壁。

Characters from cartoons and animation series are totems of childhood memory. Works that tap into what literature professor Svetlana Boym describes as “a romance with one’s own fantasy” rebel against the conventional tread of time, history and progress. This preoccupation recurs time and again in the works of Takashi Murakami, Jerkface, KAWS and Daniel Arsham. However, in these iterations, our beloved figures of childhood undergo distortion as they are brought back from the past and projected upon the present and future.
卡通和動畫系列角色是童年回憶的影像圖騰。根據比較文學教授布宜姆(Svetlana Boym)形容,以這些角色為靈感的作品是「一個人對自己的幻想的浪漫情懷」,抵抗著時間、歷史和發展的傳統足跡。懷舊讓往事再次浮現眼前,凝聚成村上隆、Jerkface、KAWS和丹尼爾・阿爾軒的創作。然而,人們喜愛的童年角色從過去投射到現在乃至未來的過程中,卻在這些作品中出現了與原版不同的變化。

These selection of photographic offer a fascinating glimpse into the past. From important historical moments and cinematic icon to provocative portraits and abstract images, these selections are as distinctive as the photographers who made them.

Skateboard decks might be the perfect canvas for artists to express the character and dynamism of contemporary culture. Artists see in these curved planks of wood a medium that is accessible, playful and open to limitless possibilities. For collectors, these are approachable contemporary art objects for the home, colorful triptychs to be displayed on walls or even converted to furniture pieces.

Artists such as KAWS, Yayoi Kusama, Daniel Arsham, Takeshi Murakami, Yoshitomo Nara and Be@rbrick have long been blurring the lines between art and luxury. Not necessarily just objets d'art to be displayed carefully in the home, fine art can also serve as functional objects to be worn or carried.

The distinguished Gillion Crowet Collection, the brainchild of Baron and Baroness Gillion Crowet, dates back to the 1960s. Since the 2000s, a prestigious assemblage of standout works by the foremost contemporary Chinese artists of this generation represent a keystone of this extraordinary collection.