Chinese Art Online including a Private Hong Kong Collection
Online Auction: 25 June–2 July 2021 • 10:00 AM HKT • Hong Kong | 網上拍賣:2021年6月25-7月2日 • 上午 10:00 HKT • 香港

Chinese Art Online, including a Private Hong Kong Collection 25 June–2 July 2021 • 10:00 AM HKT • Hong Kong

T he sale encompasses a diverse range of Chinese artworks from a Hong Kong collection assembled at international auctions and from leading art dealers in New York, London and Tokyo, the second installment of the collection following the successful sale on 18th December 2020. The highlight of the sale is a rich depiction of early animal figures, including Tang sancai models of a camel, a horse and a duck, and a rare Western Han dynasty bronze figure of an ox, celebrating the current Chinese zodiac year. The sale also includes a strong group of ritual archaic bronzes and a broad range of Song ceramics.

承去年 12 月 18 日拍賣會驕人成績,今夏蘇富比再度呈獻同一香港收藏之中國藝術精品。藏家從國際拍賣會及紐約、倫敦、東京藝術商各處覓得稀珍,藏品涵蓋各門各類,精彩紛呈。拍品包括多件高古肖生動物,包括唐三彩駱駝、駿馬、寶鴨,以及一件西漢銅牛,雅趣可喜,今年恰巧是農曆牛年,尤為合宜。拍賣焦點並包括一組高古青銅禮器以及多件宋瓷珍品。

Animals in Chinese Art中國肖生動物
Ritual Archaic Bronzes高古青銅禮器

Song Ceramics宋瓷

Longquan Celadon龍泉青瓷

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